Chapter eight.

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The music filled the air as I drank my beer. I watched Carson flirt with a blonde at the end of the bar. She was putty in his hands, gawking at him. Of course my brother didn't really need to try that hard. All of us Scott brothers never lacked in the area of attracting women; we were blessed with handsome looks from our father. Carson was almost an exact replica of Dad. Dark hair, built body and the famous Scott blue eyes.

The next thing I knew, Carson was jumping over the bar and taking her by the hand and heading back to his office. I shook my head.

"Carson has a way with the ladies," I said to my older brother Nathan. He'd had his face in his phone since he walked into the place.

"Nate. Are you even listening to me?"

He jerked his head up. "What? Yeah. Carson. You said something about Carson."

Laughing, I took another drink. Nathan was the politician in the family. Once he got out of law school, he came back to Balch Springs and started forming an interest in running for office. Maybe even mayor. He was only thirty and would be the youngest mayor elected if he won.

I placed the beer on the bar. "I said, Carson has a way with the ladies."

Nathan rolled his eyes. "Fuck, you have no idea. Harry's afraid he going to pull up one day and find Carson screwing some girl in a parked car on the highway."

Shaking my head, I said, "Damn. He hasn't dated anyone seriously?"

Nathan nearly lost it laughing. "Carson? Our brother Carson tie himself down to one snatch? Please."

My eyes widened. "You're not going to win any election if people hear you talk like that."

He winked. "Hey, I may enjoy politics and law, but I love women. I'm no different from Carson or Ace. A nice pussy walks by and I'm going after it."

I laughed. "There's the Nathan I remember from high school. Whatever happened to Hailey? Didn't the both of you get caught screwing in the library? By her dad, right?"

Nathan's beer paused at his lips before he smiled. "I haven't seen Hailey in a few years. And yes, her dad caught us. Nothing like dating the principal's daughter then getting caught fucking her."

I slapped the bar. "I just remember you running down the hall, your ass on full display while Mr. Miller chased you with a baseball bat."

Nathan laughed again. "That's right! Bastard would have caught me if Harry hadn't stepped out in front of him and made him trip."

"That's right! The future Texas Ranger aiding and abetting."

Nathan laughed as he tipped his beer back. "Damn, we've had some good times."

A tightness moved into my chest, followed by guilt. "I regret staying away so long."

He slapped me on the back. "Well, you're back now and you brought one hell of a good-looking girl home with you."

Smiling, I took another drink of beer. "Chloe loves being in Texas. The ranch alone had her flying high. Doesn't help that Dad has her on a damn horse every single second of day. I swear if I let her, she'd sleep in the barn. Plus, he got her a pet goat."

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