Chapter sixteen.

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"Do you know what we need?" Blair asked.

Looking up from my book, I asked, "What do we need, Blair?"

"A night out. Like a night out dancing and having fun. Let's go to Country Nights."

I chewed my lip. I doubted Hardin would be there.

"Come on, Tessa. I need to rub up against a junk or two."

My mouth dropped in shock. "Oh my gosh! Blair!"

She giggled. "I just want to do some silly flirting. Feel a guy's hands on me. Please. It's been forever."

Her puppy dog eyes made me laugh. "Fine. I could use going out."

We were soon ready. Our hair and make-up was done to perfection. I chose a mid-thigh, black, curve hugging dress, my favorite pair of black cowboy boots finishing out the look. Blair was wearing a light purple dress she had found in my closet. It was slightly low cut and showed the perfect amount of cleavage. Luckily, we wore the same size both in clothes and shoes. She rounded out the sexy look with a pair of teal cowboy boots. As we walked into Country Nights I felt eyes on us. I scanned the room and couldn't believe how packed it was.

"Ohmygawd!" Blair said as she elbowed me ten times in excitement.

"What?" I asked.

"They're here. Well, a few of them are. The Scott brothers."

My breath stilled. "Who? Where?"

She laughed. "Don't worry. I don't see Hardin. I only see Carson, Ace, and Harry."

I panicked. "How do you know it's Harry and not Hardin?"

She laughed. "Please. Yes they're twins, but they wear their hair different and Harry is hot as hell."

I huffed. "They're all hot as hell."


We walked over to the bar, and it didn't take long for the three of them to notice us. I got a polite smile from each, and Blair got heated stares. The kind that said they wanted to see her naked and bent over. Damn men.

"Hey, Tessa, Blair. How you ladies doing this evening?" Ace asked while sliding two Bud Lights in front of us.

"Could be better," I stated as Blair grinned.

"We are doing great! Totally in the mood for dancing," she said as she drank her liquid courage.

Harry took that as his cue. "Then let's go cut a rug."

Blair's eyes narrowed in confusion. It was cute how she was thrown off by some of the things folks said and did down here. Being from Chicago she was used to a fast and crazy lifestyle. Here in small town Texas things moved slower.

"Cut a rug?" she asked, her nose crinkled up. I couldn't help but notice the way Harry smiled at her. Dear lord, don't tell me he is attracted to her. I may not have been around the family much the last ten years, but there was one thing I knew for a fact. Every Scott brother was a player. None of them were the least bit interested in settling down with one woman. I'd heard the rumors and even found myself listening to a few conversations in the coffee shop of some of the Scott men's one night stands. They usually hooked up with tourists, but a few of the local women had been the flavor of the week a time or two.

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