Chapter twenty seven.

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We rode in silence for a bit until we were off the main trail, cutting through one of the pastures. Hardin seemed lost in thought, and I couldn't help but wonder if he was thinking about what Chloe had said.

"Today at the spa, Chloe told me her Christmas wish list."

He laughed. "She's been asking to write a letter to Santa, but told me it wasn't ready for me to read it. Of course, I can hardly read what she writes anyway."

I chuckled.

"What was on it?" he asked.

I cleared my throat. "Well, some things you'll love, one you will hate."

His brows pinched together. "Really?"

Nodding, I giggled. "Yep. She said she wanted her own horse. A bed for Billy so she could sleep in her room with her."

Hardin let out a roar of laughter.

I went on. "A Barbie dream house. Some books, other things like dresses and make-up."

"Make-up?" he gasped. "What the fuck does she need make-up for?"

My failed attempts to hide my smile only made him frown more. "Fuck," he said, his hand raking through his beautiful brown waves.

"Then she said she wanted a boyfriend. Preferably Timothy Knox."

Peeking over to watch his reaction, I thought he was going to blow the top of his head off.

"Boyfriend! Who the fuck is Timothy Knox?"

My cheeks ached from holding back laughter. "He's a classmate. Sweet little boy. He always pulls her chair out for her if he is near. And he always sits next to her at lunch."

Hardin's eyes widened in horror. "W-what?"

I looked ahead of me. If I kept staring at Hardin, I was sure to start laughing my ass off.

"You need to move him."

Lifting a brow, I asked, "Move him? Move him where?"

"Away from my daughter! To another class!"

"Hardin, I'm the only kindergarten teacher. I can't have him moved. Besides, I wouldn't even if I could."

"Why not? The little bastard is going after our Chloe."

My breath seized in my throat.

Our Chloe.

Not wanting to make a big deal out of what he said, I ignored it. "They're five. It's harmless."

"It's not harmless if my daughter wants to be his girlfriend." He shook his head and brought Marley to a stop. "I'm going to be sick."

A small part of me felt sorry for him.

"Then I probably shouldn't tell you she asked for a kiss from him also."

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