Chapter seventeen.

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I walked into the crowded bar and saw her. Tessa was dancing with that fucker Mike Ryan. The bad feeling I got about him earlier only intensified.

"Hey, Hardin Scott! Are you fucking kidding me? Dude. When did you get back into town?"

I had to force myself to pull my eyes off Tessa and Mike. Todd Schneider stood in front of me wearing a huge grin. I shook his hand and returned his smile. "A month or so ago."

"Fucking hell, man. It's been a long time. I bet Tessa was happy to see you again."

My eyes lifted to the dance floor where she was getting a little too comfortable with Mike. Todd followed my gaze.

"Or maybe not. I figured y'all would hook right back up. Especially since Tessa hasn't dated anyone since you left."

I shot him a look and pushed my hands inside my jean pocket. "What about Trevor?"

He lost it, laughing. "Trevor Matthews? You're kidding, right? Shit, they dated off and on but even I could tell there was nothing there, much to Trevor's disappointment. I'm sure he was happy as hell you took off. Remember how he liked Tessa in high school?"

"Yeah. I remember."

"Who's the guy she's dancing with?"

"Accountant from San Antonio."

"Oh fuck. That spells boring."

I laughed, and Todd hit me on the back. "Let me buy you a drink."

"Sure, why not." I followed Todd to the bar. Ace glanced up and almost had a look of relief on his face. He'd called me almost an hour ago and said Mike had been feeding shots to Tessa, and she was willingly taking them. One quick call to ma to ask her to come sit at the house while I went out, and I was out the fucking door and speeding to get here. I'd imagined the different ways I was going to pound my fist into Mike's face. Then I remembered how things went with Trevor, and I simmered my ass down.

I glanced over my shoulder and searched the dance floor until I saw them. The ache in my chest grew. Clearly Tessa was enjoying herself with Mike. Maybe she was over me. Maybe I read too much into that kiss and what she said in her kitchen. She said she never stopped loving me...but was she in love with me?

"Hey, Todd. What can I do ya?" Carson asked, pulling my attention back to the bar.

Todd reached his hand out for Carson's. "Sup, Carson. I'll take a Bud.

Ace set a shot of whiskey in front of me as his eyes met mine. I reached for it, lifted it, and smiled. Damn, I'd missed my brothers. I didn't even have to say a word, and Ace knew what I was thinking. He also knew I needed something to take the edge off.

It was good to be home.

"Thanks for calling," I said after the shot burned down my throat.

He nodded and went off to help someone else. Carson was talking to Todd, but he looked over and gave me a warning.

I grinned. I wasn't about to start any trouble in his bar. Yes, I was only here because Ace told me some asshole was all up in what was mine, but I wasn't going to make a repeat of what I did the other night at Tessa's house.

𝐋𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 | 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐀𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐥𝐬.Where stories live. Discover now