Chapter thirty eight.

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I walked into my father's office and stopped when I saw Ace shaking his head and cursing.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Fucking hogs got in the north pasture and tore it to shit."

I panicked. "What? When?"

"Must have been yesterday. It almost looks like a damn pattern."

My hand clutched my chest as I fell back into one of the chairs in front of my father's desk. "Thank fuck," I breathed.

"What?" my father asked, giving me a confused look. "What in the hell do we have to be thankful for, Hardin? I don't want that many hogs on our ranch."

Before I had a chance to say anything, Chloe came running into the office. "Granddaddy! I'm ready for our date!"

My father all but melted into a puddle when Chloe jumped into his arms.

"Our movie date! It's time?" he asked with a huge grin.

"Yep! Grammy's ready, so come on!" Chloe grabbed his hand and pulled at him. "Come on! Come on! We don't want to be late."

Glancing back at us, Dad smiled. "We'll figure this out tomorrow."

"You want me to go plow up the rest of the field?" Ace asked.

"Why don't we go tomorrow and take a closer look?" I suggested.

"That sounds good. Excuse me boys, I've got a date with my granddaughter."

Ace and I stood and watched Chloe drag Dad out of his office. He stopped to grab his cowboy hat off the hat rack before he was tugged out the door.

"Damn, she's cute as hell, Hardin. She's got Dad and Ma wrapped around her finger. Not to mention Harry, Carson, and Emmeline. Nathan's never around long enough."

I laughed. "Yeah, she has us all wrapped around her finger."

Ace slapped my back. "That's the gods honest truth right there. All right, I'm calling it a damn day and taking the rest of the afternoon off. You still going flying?"

"Yeah. Hey Ace, before you leave let me ask you something."

He stopped and motioned for me to talk with a jerk of his head. "Has Nathan mentioned anything to you about Blair?"

He shrugged. "Not really. I mean I know he called dibs on her and that pissed Harry off, but then I'm pretty sure Harry and Blair hooked up the night you came to the bar to chase off the accountant. I mean as the night went on they were all over each other and Harry took her home. Or she took him home. I don't know."

"You ever tell Nathan about it?"

He shook his head. "Nah. That shit's between them. If you ask me though, Nate's only dating her because he knows Harry has a thing for her. Which is fucking weird cause I didn't think either one of them were looking for a relationship."

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