Chapter forty eight.

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I stood under the arch and waited not-so-patiently for Tessa to appear. My parents and Tessa's had gone all out for this quickly pulled together wedding. It appeared like it had been months in the making. Everything was beautiful. The flowers, the cakes. It was everything I could see Paxton picking out. I was glad we had decided to keep it to close family and friends only. It made things easier when it came to planning.

Carson stood next to me. He was my best man and the one who won the straw drawing. Having four other brothers is hard when it comes time to pick a best man. Chloe had come up with the whole "drawing straws" idea, and my brothers loved the idea. Damn kids at heart...all four of them.

The music started playing, and I first saw my sweet little Chloe. Then Billy. What in the hell? She wore a huge smile as she skipped down the aisle while Billy trotted next to her. I couldn't help but laugh. The damn goat was in our wedding. We were never going to get Chloe to fall asleep tonight with all this excitement on top of it being Christmas Eve.

"Damn, Hardin. She almost makes me want to have a kid," Carson said with a chuckle.

I glanced over to him. "A kid, huh?"

He frowned. "I said almost. The goat isn't helping."

Blair came next. I peeked over to Nathan. He was smiling, but one look at Harry and I knew which one of them was more captivated by her.


The way he stared was a far cry from the way Nathan looked at Blair. I looked back, holding my breath as I stared at the back door.

When the wedding march started and everyone stood, I slowly exhaled only to have my breath taken again when Tessa walked through the door with her father. I heard gasps from the small group of friends and family.

"She's beautiful," I whispered as a smile spread over my face.

The simple cream colored gown hugged her body, and I couldn't help but let my eyes roam. They lingered a little more on her stomach before I dragged them back up and her blue eyes caught mine.

I shook my head slowly. I wanted to pinch myself.

Holy shit. She was mine. She was finally mine.
. . .

As Tessa and I walked around and talked to the guests, I could tell she was getting tired. So was Chloe who had stuck to our side like glue. She'd already started calling Tessa "Mommy," and every time she did, Tessa's face lit up.

Thank God it was mostly family, plus some friends from each side and a few of my father's closest business partners. Other than that, it had been a small wedding and reception. We had made it around to everyone in no time at all.

Somehow Emmeline had found someone who was willing to make a wedding cake last minute. It was decorated in white and soft blue. The same blue as Chloe and Blair's dresses. Don't ask me how they pulled that shit off.

Tessa leaned against me and sighed. "You tired?" I asked.

"A little," she said, then yawned.

"We cut the cake, we said hello and thanks for coming. I think it's time to leave. Besides, look at Chloe."

Her eyes swung over to our daughter, and she laughed. Chloe was sitting at a table, her head perched up with her hands, sound asleep.

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