Chapter thirty six.

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My heart soared hearing Tessa say how much she loved the ranch. Spending the day with her like this was something I wanted to do more often. Having her near me made me happier. I always felt so light on my feet with her around me.

"So, where are we going? This spot of yours?"

Smiling, I replied, "It's actually our spot. We've been there a number of times. We were just in my car."

She gasped. "The lookout?"

I nodded. "I thought we could watch the sunset."

Her eyes lit up, leaving me breathless. Tessa was never hard to please. She enjoyed the simplest of things and appreciated them. Unlike Mia. They were two complete opposites. Having Tessa in Chloe's life was going to be so good for her.

"I love that idea," Tessa softly said.

"We better pick it up some, or we'll miss it."

We set off in a trot, heading toward the spot where I had originally given her the promise ring, which I noticed she had started wearing again.

Sliding off my horse, I walked up to Tessa's and helped her down. She wrapped her arms around my neck, and we were soon lost in a kiss.

My body warmed as I deepened our connection. My hand slid under her shirt to feel her warm skin against mine.

When we both pulled back for air, I leaned my forehead against hers. "You make me feel so alive."

Her arms tightened around me. "I'm so glad you gave me a ride home that night."

Wrapping her tightly, I picked her up and held her for a few seconds. God, how I loved this woman. I set her down and brushed a stray hair away from her face.

"Come on. Help with the blanket."

Her brows lifted. "Blanket?"

I laced my fingers with hers and walked to the side of Lady where Ace had packed what I asked him to.

"And wine," I added with a smirk.

"Why, Mr. Scott, aren't you the romantic one."

"Well, I figured wine, old blanket, sunset. I couldn't ask for a better scene to make love to you."

Her lips parted before a slow smile slipped over her beautiful face. My heart hammered like it always did before I made love to her. The need to have her body against mine was growing by the second. My fingers ached to touch her and make her call out my name.

"Hardin," she softly breathed.

I handed her the wine and pointed to her side saddle. "Glasses are in yours. Will you grab them, and I'll lay out the blanket?"

She nodded and did as I asked.

Finding the perfect spot would be key. We were at one of the highest points on the ranch. It over looked the Trinity river below and the vast hill country. It was one of my favorite spots on the ranch. Tess and I used to come here often. I couldn't count on my hands how many times I made love to her in the back of my car at this location. Under the stars, under the sun, in the rain. The memories coursed through my mind, making my body heat.

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