Chapter forty seven.

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Placing my hand over my stomach, I breathed in and out a few times to calm my nerves. It was finally happening.

Taking Chloe's hand, I led her over to the window seat.

"How are you feeling about today, Chloe Cat?" I asked. I had told Blair I wanted to a few minutes to talk to Chloe without everyone in the room. She was making herself busy as she pretended to mess with my dress.


"Yes, you. Today isn't just a big day for your daddy and me. It's a big day for you too. I want to make sure you're as happy as we are."

Chloe's smile grew from ear to ear.

"You know how happy you are right before Santa comes? Or the tooth fairy?"

With a chuckle, I nodded. "Yes."

"Well, I'm so much more happy! I've been asking God for a long time for a mommy who loved me and my daddy."

My heart ached.

"I love you so much, Chloe Cat. And I love your daddy. You both make me so very happy. Don't ever forget that, okay?"

She nodded. "I won't."

I slid off the bench and knelt so I could look her in the eyes. "Is there anything you want to ask me before I marry your daddy and become your mommy?"

Chloe's eyes darted over to my dress. "Can I have your dress when you're done with it? It would be perfect to play princess in."

Laughing, I pulled her into my arms. "Yes! Consider it yours, Princess Chloe."

"Okay, let's get your mommy dressed," Blair said as she made her way over to us with the dress. My heart dropped, and my stomach started to flutter. Chloe must have noticed my nerves.

She took my hand. "Don't worry, you'll look like a princess too. I promise."

Kissing her on the cheek, I replied, "Thank you, Chloe Cat!"

I dropped my robe to the ground to reveal the white lace panties and matching bra. I wouldn't need the bra, but with Chloe in the room, Blair and I thought it best not to flash her my boobs.

Chloe's mouth rose into a wide smile. "Wow! My dad's gonna be happy!"

Blair and I were stunned before we lost it laughing.

Blair took the embellished strapless dress and nodded. Facing away from Chloe, who was now standing on the bed, I unclasped the bra and let it drop to the floor. Holding up my arms, Blair carefully slipped the dress over my head.

"Careful, careful!" Chloe chanted from behind, making sure my hair was safe. That had been her self-assigned job.

When the dress slipped on, Blair zipped it up and all three of us gasped. The strapless neckline was stunning. It looked old-fashioned, yet had a modern flair as well. The color was a creamy white.

"You are stunning," Blair whispered.

"You're a princess!" Chloe said with her hands over her cheeks.

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