Chapter thirty seven.

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My body was spent. Two rounds of making love with Hardin, I was a puddle of mushy happiness. We laid on the blanket, our bodies tangled up with one another, as we stared out at the beautiful view in front of us.

"How do you feel?" Hardin asked while his fingertips moved lightly across my arm.

"Amazing. Wonderful. Marvelous. Fantastic. Satisfied. Relaxed."

The rumble in his chest from his laughter moved through my body. I had never felt so elated in my life.

"I'm glad you feel all of that."

"And more," I added. "So much more."

Our heads turned to each other. The love in Hardin's eyes warmed my heart. He gently traced his fingertip over my face, lips, and jaw. Everywhere he touched I was on fire. Not to mention it sent my stomach into a frenzy of twists and turns.

"I like the more part the best," he softly said.

Reaching down, he wove his fingers with mine. The sun was sinking farther down the sky.

"May I ask you something, Tess?"

"Of course you can," I answered as I looked at him.

"The tattoo on your foot, when did you get it?"

Glancing down at the scrolled tattoo that read "Let It Be", I drew in a deep breath and blew it out.

"I got it after my last counseling session. I picked that phrase because it had finally hit me that what I really needed to do was let go. That I couldn't let my sadness and anger control my life. I needed to let it be. Go the way fate was taking me and know that it would all work out someday."

Hardin sat up and ran his finger over the tattoo before glancing back at me. "I love you. I love your strength, your faith, and your kind soul. You're amazing."

Smiling, I sat up and placed my hand on the side of his face. "Thank you for that."

His hand cupped the back of my neck, drawing me closer to him. The kiss was soft and gentle. It was the perfect way to end this part of the evening.

"We should get dressed before Ace shows up."

He nodded, but the disappointment in his eyes was evident.

"Yeah, I guess you're right."

We both stood and silently got dressed. Then we settled back on the blanket, me between his legs with my head resting against his solid chest. The sun was touching the hills and turning the sky the most beautiful colors. Pinks and reds spread across the horizon in beautiful wisps of clouds. It was stunning.

The sound of two vehicles pulling up had us both turning.

"Who's driving your car?" I asked as Hardin stood and helped me up.

A wide smile curled his mouth. "Harry. He's got Chloe."

"Chloe?" I asked with my own grin.

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