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I highly recommend you re-read the previous chapter if you read it before January 10, 2021! As I rewrote half of the chapter!

I also would like to apologize to the people who were utterly confused, befuddled, angered, or indignant by my writing in the previous chapter and when I tried to respond to them. In all honesty, I was caught in my arrogance as I assumed with a clear mind in the morning that whatever I had written at 1 AM was something that was written well.

It was only when criticism ramped up and I reread the work that I understood my hubris. Again, I apologize for my failure to proofread my work.

Chapter 26


Illya watched with minor exasperation as her new friends and their friends fawned over a blonde guy.

"Yuuto!" Katase yelled.

"He looked this way! I can die happy!" Maruyama gushed.

She will admit that this Kiba Yuuto was charming but compared to Shirou, Michael, or even Gilgamesh?

While she was absorbed in her thoughts, she did not realize that Maruyama, Katase, and their little group had run off in pursuit of the blonde.

I wonder if he's the protag- "Eh?" She looked around in utter confusion. "Uh..."

The sound of the school bell ringing echoed through the halls.

She stood there dumbly, all frozen stiff by such a sound. "Eh... Ehhhhh!" Suddenly, she burst into action as she hurriedly made her way to where she assumed to be her classroom.

Unfortunately, her confusion prior had lead to her mind going all fuzzy as a lot of stress passed through her head. I knew I should've tried to learn the map!

This fuzziness and her inattentiveness eventually led to her colliding with someone, causing her and the person to fall.

"Ouch..." she muttered as she rubbed her head. "Are-" With her head somewhat cleared from the impact, she was able to think properly. With this newfound clarity, she had paused her Japanese words and switched to German. "Alles klar? (You alright?)"

"Uh... Yeah," the person she bumped in with replied as he got up. "Ich bin gut (I am good)."

"Danken- (Thank-)" Illya paused as she realized something, the person spoke German. "Deutsch? (German?)" She then got a good look at the person, whose identity was the Red Dragon Emperor, Issei Hyoudou.

"Eh? Oh... Uh..." Issei fumbled as he looked around to find an escape.

Illya was frozen stiff as she realized who she had bumped into. On my first day?! I am most definitely caught!

She finally snapped back when the second bell rang. Old instincts kicked in as she started to panic again and disregarded her previous shock. She hurriedly asked, "Nevermind! Do you know the way to class?!"

"Uh... Oh shit! Class!" Issei too disregarded his shock and nervousness as he got up and sprinted to the classroom, to which Illya followed.


The classroom door slammed open as Issei took a deep breath. "Forgive me for my tardiness!" he said as he bowed.

"U-Uh... Excuse me for- Er... Excuse me!" Illya said as she too bowed right next to Issei.

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