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Chapter 9


To protect innocents indiscriminately, to help those in need, to be the champion of justice; that was the dream of Shirou Emiya, a Hero of Justice.

To sacrifice 1 save 10, 10 for 100, 100 for 1000; that was the method of the heroic spirit, EMIYA.

Yet, both paths led to the deaths of everything and everyone they held dear.

"Hm! So good!"

Yet, he would cherish this moment. He would cherish every moment of the journey between him and this alternate version of Illyasviel.

He will set her free from Alaya's grasps, no matter the cost...

Archer smiled softly.

"Is that so?" he hummed, taking a bite from his own serving.

They were sat in a small hotel in Attendorn, Germany, where the Einzbern's main castle was supposed to be located in solely based on his previous knowledge.

They had traveled straight from London to here mostly just to confirm that they were indeed in a far off alternate version of Earth where the Age of Gods, or at the very least the Age of Heroes, had never ended.

In the small kitchen they were given, he had made them some food. He had made was simple curry with some German ingredients that substituted for the lack of familiar ones.

Even Cu, the ever prideful wolf, had even begrudgingly taken a liking to the food and even begged for more in his bowl.

"I was afraid that the German ingredients might've clashed with the Japanese style of cooking," Archer admitted. "But I suppose this is passable."

"Passable? You mean you can make it ten times better?!" Illya asked immediately, her expression that of a child promised a toy.

"Mhm," Archer hummed in affirmation. "It's simply down to the quality of the ingredients."

"Then we must go to Japan!" Illya declared, pumping her fist to the air.

Archer couldn't help but let his face tug itself into a small smile. "Hm. Well, wouldn't it be best you finish your food first, then?" he inquired with a slight snicker.

Illya immediately pouted before wolfing down her food.

Archer smiled once more, digging into his own food.

"I'm done!" Illya declared happily after mere moments after eating again; Archer couldn't help but stare at Illya blankly.

Did Illyasviel always eat like this? Archer thought blankly as he made comparisons between Saber and Illya.

"Glutton," he muttered, his thoughts spilling out of his mouth. Unfortunately for him, Illya heard his mutter.


Fucking E-Rank luck.


"I am the bone of my sword! Rho Aias!"


Archer nursed his right side, he had let his guard down for a brief moment and paid the price for it.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" Illya repeatedly apologized.

Archer merely watched in amusement as the alternate version of his sister bowed up and down repeatedly. "The one you should be apologizing to is the poor mutt," he pointed his thumb to the sulking Cu. "After all, you did destroy his bowl alongside his food."

To Archer's utter bewilderment, Illya disappeared immediately and started to repeatedly bow to the wolf. The mere sight of Illya, be it this version or his, bowing repeatedly to a sulking wolf was a sight he will never forget.

A mischievous grin wormed to his face.

Pa-ping. "Oops."

To his amusement, Illya immediately froze when he started the video. She slowly turned, her right eye twitching as she stared at him.

The stare turned into a teary glare. "Meanieeeeee!"

Before anything could happen, the distinguishable sounds of knocking reached both of their ears.

Knock. Knock.

Sending a wary glance at the pouty Illya, who was merely content on glaring at him for now, he moved towards the door and checked who it was through the peephole.

A priest.

"Who are you?" he asked vehemently, foggy memories of the sadistic priest that had once tied Illyasviel to a cross to use her as the holy grail appeared in his thoughts.

"I am Ernst Kurier, head of the local cathedral here, and I bear a message from Heaven."

Curse his E-rank luck.


"First, the church would like to apologize for the attack that had befallen you from one of our apprentices from America. He was reprimanded once we had confirmed of your claim that you weren't a vampire," Ernst said deeply, bowing his head in apology.

"No problem, he did not cause me or my sister harm," Archer dismissed, sipping the tea that Illya surprisingly made. It wasn't the best tea he drank but it was fine for the occasion.

Ernst raised his head before picking up his own cup of tea and drank it. "Your sister makes fine tea," he commented.

"Mhm. Now that we have your apology done with," Archer started, his eyes narrowed. "How did you know we were here?"

"Heaven told me," Ernst replied with ease as if saying the most obvious thing in the world. "Heaven has also contacted me to extend an olive branch to reconcile and apologize properly."

Archer raised an eyebrow. "What do they want?"

"I do not know, I am but a lowly priest who has come to relay a simple invitation." The priest bowed his head in another apology before sipping his tea. "Also, they have given me a present to give to you. Heaven-"

"Please skip the sweet talk and get to the point," Archer said irritably, not really wanting to listen to the upcoming rant.

Ernst nodded slowly before taking something from underneath his robes, causing Archer and Illya to tense, to reveal a suitcase. "100,000 Euros in cash, no strings attached; you may throw away the cash and deposit it in an account of your making if you so wish." He then opened the case to reveal stacks of cash within it.

In short: no strings attached.

Archer sent a glance at Illya who was simply staring at the cash in bewilderment. "Very well," he sighed, crossing his arms. "Let's see what God looks like."

Chapter 9 End

Sorry for the delay, I've been busy lately and had to revise this chapter a few times.

Anyhow, if you enjoyed the chapter make sure to press the star!

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