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Chapter 3


Archer debated with himself, should he confront the police or run away?

He quickly weighed the options as the police cruiser pulled up by the road and the two cops exited. "Are you able to cast hypnosis spells?" he inquired from Illya.

She nodded hesitantly.

"Can you hypnotize those two?" Archer asked, pointing to the two cops who were slowly heading towards them.

Illya nodded, determined to be of use to the supposedly alternate version of her big brother.

She rushed towards the duo and stood in front of them with her wand pointed at them.

"Jesus Christ!" one of the cops cursed instinctively. They instantly reacted and pointed their guns at her, their guns steady yet fingers off the trigger.

"Ruby?" she muttered as she looked at her wand. "U-Um..." she turned her gaze at the two police officers, who now had their weapons facing the ground.

"Um... Where are your parents?" the one who didn't yell, asked.

Embarrassment crept up her face, her cheeks becoming beet red. "U-Uh..."

"I'm right here," Archer said in a deathly tone as he appeared behind the officers and swiftly knocked them out with a quick strike at the back of the head. The cops fell with an audible thud.

Wincing from the impact, Illya meekly looked at Archer who had a serious look on his face. "You could've gotten hurt if they were trigger happy," he said.

Caster nodded weakly as her embarrassment was still evident.

Archer sighed as he automatically scanned the wand in Caster's hands. Judging the concept of creation... Oh... So that's why it looked familiar. "Your wand is dormant," he blatantly stated.


"What can you do without 'Ruby?'" Archer inquired, pinching his nose.

"I-I can do most of my attacks, I think... But none of them are complicated... Ruby usually did the complicated formulas..."

Archer raised an eyebrow. "Can you do wish-granting?" he inquired.

"Wish... Granting?" Illya asked hesitantly.

"Forget I asked," Archer sighed as he directed his focus to the two unconscious officers. Judging by their uniforms, the year should be around the early twenty-first century and their names seem to have different origins... He removed the badge of one of the officers and inspected it. Florida sheriffs department... So we're in America...

Looking up in the sky, he tried to find any celestial markers.

Meanwhile, Illya was busying herself by trying to awake Ruby. "Ruby... Um... Can you un-dormant yourself...?"


Finally giving up and accepting that Ruby was currently dormant, she turned her attention to Archer for a moment before turning to the large towers and skyscrapers.

What were they supposed to do?

They were summoned without a master and Archer stated that Alaya didn't summon them because of the lack of mission details and the summoning circles. Their mana supply is anonymous and is likely they might never find it. They didn't need to eat or sleep like normal humans so they didn't need money to survive.

Perhaps they will go on some dangerous adventures? Going into dungeons, or saving the world?

Saving the world... Huh...

Her mind wandered towards her friends and family. To Miyu and Chloe, to Rin and Luvia.

Do they even exist in this world?

She clutched her wand to her chest, uneasiness and pain clutching her heart in chains.

Then, a hand touched her shoulder. Cold as steel, but warm as a soothing flame.

Looking to her shoulder, her eyes eventually trailed to Archer. "Don't go crying now on me, little miss," he said with a smirk.

The bindings that gripped her heart were forgotten as warmth spread throughout her. A light blush formed on her cheeks but she simply stared at Archer with teary eyes.


"Oi! Don't cry!"


Shirou Emiya. That was a name Archer heavily despised, it was the name of a fool that followed such childish ideals and as such lost everything in the end.

Even his sister.

He looked at Illya,a who was covered in a simple light hoodie that he had created that covered the magical girl costume she wore. The insides of the jacket were woven with the same material that made up the Shroud of Shroud Martin, thus suppressing their energies from any supernatural forces.

He himself forgone his armor and replaced it with a Shroud of Saint Martin-modified shirt.

Having extracted as much information from the two sheriffs, he had placed them by their cruiser and erased their memories of him and Illya.

After that... Well, he did not know what to do. They have no master or Alaya to receive orders from.

They were currently unemployed for the lack of a better term.

With that in mind, Archer simply decided to indulge in Illya's urge to explore the foreign city, which he soon found out was named Tampa.

Illya's eyes widened as she spotted a barbeque stand. Her mouth drooled a bit as she saw the man grill his barbeque, putting the sauce with practiced movements, and sticking the meat with a stick.

Archer followed her gaze before looking back at the drooling Illya. What's counterfeit compared to murder? Tracing a one dollar bill was mere child's play for him and he made his way to the stand, Illya following with excitement.

"One, please," he ordered, handing the vendor the money.

"Coming right up."

The man soon handed Archer a barbeque stick. "Here, one barbeque on a stick."

"Thank you," he simply said before turning to Illya. "Here, runt."

Illya took the barbeque with a pout. "Thank you..." she mumbled as she bit into it. A mixed look of delight and relief crossed her face. Archer's nose picked up something.


Chapter 3 End

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