New Heroes

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Chapter 17

New Heroes

Archer sent a glance at the strands of mana that weaved itself into letters, words, and then to a coherent sentence. He sighed once he read it once more, as he finished up washing dishes. So they finally approached us. He mused to himself as he turned off the tap.

Quickly cleaning up the sink from water and soap, he removed his apron and hung it. "Illya, I'm going out for a bit, be ready to move out once I get back," he called as he moved to the door.

"W-Wah?! B-B-But Shirou! My magical girl figurines are coming today!" she cried out as she turned to face him, away from her video game she was currently playing. She utilized her puppy eyes to great effect as she stared at him, making him cringe slightly.

"Alright, alright," he relented as he opened the door. "I can push back our arrival a few days."

Oh, the smile she showed him melted his heart.


Archer sighed as he opened the little phone the Hero Faction had given him as a line of communication and pressed a single button before closing it once more.

"Muu..." Illya groaned as she laid sprawled on the church bench. "My figurines..." she pouted as she stared at the uncaring Cu, vying for the wolf's attention.

Unfortunately, the tamed wolf was disinterested and simply chose to take a nap.

Archer smirked a bit as he silently stood up and bent down to Illya's ear. "Lonely, are we?" he inquired softly and smugly. Having sat on the bench behind Illya, the poor girl had not seen the soothing voice next to her ear; this and a multitude of other facts led to her becoming flustered and embarrassed.

"Wah!" she cried as she rolled off the bench she had previously laid sprawled on. Being a servant as she was, she luckily didn't feel any pain from the impact. "S-S-Shir-r-rou!" she stuttered in a flustered mess.

Archer schooled his face in a worried expression as he asked, "Are you alright, Illya?"

"A-A-Ah... Y-Yes!" she replied as she picked herself up and dusted her magical girl uniform from any dust.

Bringing his face closer to Illya, Archer dusted some dust off of Illya's shoulder. "You should be careful now," he admonished, "I can't bear you getting hurt."

I can't bear you getting hurt. Illya repeated in her head as she looked at Shirou with an increasingly flustered face.

"If you get hurt, I don't know what I will do..." Archer continued, his cheesy lines effectively embarrassing Illya. "My sweet angel," he finished, his face forming a smirk instead of a smile.

Illya burned red with hot embarrassment as her mind continuously repeated the phrase that Archer had just said, her mind ignoring the smirk plastered on his face.

Finally, her mind couldn't take anymore and shut itself down.

The doors creaked open as a blonde distinctively European duo walked in. "Hiya!" declared one of them.

Archer looked at the new arrivals with a judging gaze, his expression flipping almost instantaneously. Illya, on the other hand, continued to swim in her flustered state of mind and ignored everything else. Cu just lowered his head and covered his head with his paws.

"Oh? You guys arrived rather late," he mused as he stood to greet them, mostly ignoring the indignant look the woman gave him.

"I do apologize, we were a bit preoccupied when you called," the man, Arthur as he recalled, apologized with a bow.

Archer raised an eyebrow at that. "Oh? It has only been barely half an hour and you guys are already busy?"

Arthur merely smiled. "We are a busy lot, after all."

Le Fey, the woman who had first announced the duo's presence, chose this time to interject herself. "By the way, is she okay?" she inquired as she pointed to Illya.

"Don't mind her, Caster is just trying to wrap her head around things," Archer nonchalantly replied, shrugging. "That aside, I do not believe we do not have much time," he declared, trying to steer the conversation back on track and off of Illya.

"Ah yes, Le Fay, if you would?" Arthur asked as he motioned for her to take care of that.

"Right away, big brother!" Le Fay said cheerfully as she flourished her broomstick a bit before tapping the air outside the church.

"Hey, midget," Archer said as he tapped Illya's shoulder.

Illya snapped out of it as she looked around confused before her eyes landed on the new duo. "Eh?! W-W-When did they get here...?!" she cried as she accusingly pointed at them.

Ignoring Illya's cries of panic, Le Fay jumped on Illya, pulling her into a hug. "You're so cute!" she declared as she rubbed her cheek on Illya's cheek. "I mean, without the gloom, you're just so adorable! Big brother, can we keep her?!" she asked excitedly.

Archer and Arthur just looked at them with a fond grin and smile respectively.

"B-Bhig bw-wother, whelp we!" Illya desperately cried.

Cu just huffed as he tried to get more sleep.


"I don't wanna get off, big sister!" Illya pouted childishly as she clung onto Le Fay's head.

"Illya..." Archer sighed as he dusted his clothes off just in case he caught anything.

"Let's go on a ride! Magical witch fly mode, on!" the childish witch declared as she hopped on her broom like a surfboard and started to fly around.


"Le Fay, that's dangerous," Arthur stated calmly but a sigh immediately replaced his composure. "I suppose it's a good thing that they are getting along well, hm?" he asked as he turned to Archer.

Archer clenched the fist out of Arthur's view as he smiled a bit. "Yeah."

Damn it, Illya...

Chapter 17 End

Been really busy with school work, especially since AP exams are coming next week.

Also, I do apologize for not making longer despite the time has passed but I obviously haven't been motivated lately despite the amount of dirty free time I have.

I also extend my prayer to the UK where I had spent most of my life in and where many of my friends are at. I also pray for other countries but I obviously personally pray for my friends in the UK and people back here in the US.

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