Brave Shine

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Chapter 8

Brave Shine

The battle started off with the bat-winged people shooting off a barrage of various ranged attacks. This barrage forced Archer and Illya to evade them to escape the kill zone of all the barrage.

As the dust kicked up, the leader of the grouped called for a cease-fire. "Hold your fire!"


Silence rang out through the battlefield as the devils waited for signs of the duo's survival. Suddenly, something emerged from the smoke. "Left side!" Everyone's eyes snapped to the left on to find an umbrella shooting outwards before falling harmlessly on the ground.

Then, on the right, a massive beam of pure mana tore through their ranks.


As Illya tore through their ranks with her single attacked and subsequently drew their attention, Archer locked on all the bat-winged people before letting loose of his arrows in rapid succession.

Yet, it would seem they were smart enough to keep some people in reserve in which they drew from. A massive wall of energy encompassed his view of the group.

He clicked his tongue in annoyance as half of the group that attacked Illya came towards her in an effort to draw her in for close combat. The other half, now with a new objective, threw their barrage of spells at him, hitting many frozen bystanders in the process.

They needed to be destroyed. "I am the bone of my sword... Rho Aias!"


Illya tried to shoot down the enemies rushing her to no avail as they simply evaded her attacks and pressed on.

Archer seemed to be too pressed to help her so she was on her own on this...

Then, half of the winged people started to fire off spells, forcing her into a single general area.

Think, Illya. Think.

Suddenly, an arrow, something Illya recognized as a sword, came shooting from the surrounding smoke and detonated on the devils. While it did wipe out half of them, they were merely delayed before they continued to pursue her, their confidence that she was weak in close combat now solidified.

They now closed ranks as they approached her rapidly.

Then, she did something unexpected.

She charged, disappearing from their sight.


And appeared from underneath their chins, a blast of pure of energy from Ruby sending three out of commission.

"You bitch!" roared one of the devils and charged, the rest coming to their senses before charging themselves.

Illya flinched a little from the insult but only a little.

Readying another mana attack, she aimed her wand towards them. Only for her magical senses to tingle and directing her focus upwards.

She recoiled a bit from the brightness of the setting sun before her eyes adjusted, allowing her to glimpse at the incoming danger.

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