The Nameless Caster

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Chapter 16

The Nameless Caster

Illya stretched herself as she took a break from her little video game session, her arms creating small pops from some knots. Cu looked at her curiously as she stood up and made her way to the kitchen.

She wasn't hungry per se but she figured she might as well feel other sense of satisfaction other than video games. No matter what alternate timeline he was from, Shirou's cooking was surely something that could get him ascended to godhood.

Speaking of Shirou, I wonder how much longer he's going to take... She wondered absent-mindedly as she got the container that held some leftovers of her beloved brother's cooking. As she waited for the food to heat up in the microwave, she closed her eyes in concentration. ... My Big Brother Shirou senses aren't tingling so no girlies are approaching him...

She finished her little moment of concentration with a confident nod before getting the food out and moving towards the rice cooker for some rice. Uwa... I really want to spend time with Shirou... Her face lit up as she processed her thoughtless thought. Wah! This is so embarrassing...

As her emotions switched from one to another, Cu took advantage of the small height gap to nab two fried chicken breasts leftovers and made a mad dash to what he deemed a safe distance.

Obviously noticing the sudden shift of weight, Illya blinked owlishly before she looked down to the half chicken breast absently. "Cu! You meanie!" she said angrily as she put the container on the countertop before taking after the backstabbing tamed wolf.

Utilizing her superior servant speed, she swung right in front of the tamed wolf with a glare.

The wolf halted his tracks and slowly started to back away with his eyes slowly going to the dog flap that led to the outside.

Noticing the line of sight of her pet, Illya glared harder as she spoke, "Don't try it, Cu! I have the superior speed!"

In turn, Cu grunted several times before taking off towards the door. He could literally smell freedom as he neared the dog flap. He felt the wind blowing to his face from the free air of the outside. His freedom was-

"Gotcha!" Illya declared as she tackled Cu with almost back-breaking speeds.

The poor semi-phantasmal wolf, in a vain attempt to spite his owner, started to eat the chicken breasts with haste.

Only, for both of them freeze as someone knocked on their door. "Amazon delivery!" a distinctly female voice called out.

Illya completely forgot Cu at that moment and leaped towards the door to open it and receive her beloved package. "Yeah! It's finally... Here..." her voice trailed off as she opened the door to find not one person but multiple people standing before her.

"Hello, is this perchance the Einzbern household?" the same female voice questioned, belonging to the leading person right in front of her.

Illya could feel the suppressed magical energy that belonged to the inhabitants of this world. While in her world, magical energy rarely exerted actual pressure besides some magecraft; she felt the people's energy before her trying to exert pressure all around.

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