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Chapter 7


A month flew by quickly for Illya, most likely due to the constant traveling Archer was having them do.

Their travels, so far, mostly consisted of them exploring the East Coast of America and traveling across the Atlantic.

They had traveled up to the city of New York at a walking pace, taking hitch-hikes whenever possible. From there, they had taken a cruise towards London.

The reason why they had taken the boat instead of a plane was something beyond her, it seemingly having to do with Archer's increasing paranoia.

Oh, after much much consideration, they had named the wolf, Cu, a name put forward by Archer and seemingly had provided endless entertainment for him.

Thus, she, Archer, and Cu ended up in front of Big Ben or, known to the duo as, the Clocktower. "What are we doing here...?" Illya inquired.

"Clues," Arched replied almost instantly.

Illya was worried. Worried because infiltrating the moonlit world's practical center was paramount suicide but she had faith in breaking in relatively unharmed.

Now that she thought about it, it sounded like a death wish.

"Are we just going to break in there...?"

"Why would you think that? We're going to astralize of course."

Illya felt a bit sheepish at her question but that did bring up the question of: "What about Cu?"

At being called, the domesticated wolf lifted it's head only to put it down again when it met Archer's amused stare. "A dog always has a leash, does it not?"

Cu seemed to be fuming from the remark with it glaring intently.


Security... Well, security was non-existent. There was no bounded field, no wandering magus to suspect something amiss, and no magus in general. The whole thing was just a glorified palace with normal guards and normal modern security.

There was no sign of the very existence of the Clocktower.

Archer suppressed a groan as they passed a tourist entourage.

"They would never allow regular humans in..." Illya seemed to share the same thought as him.

If he remembered correctly, as, in foggy memories of a distant past, Lord El-Melloi II's study was just up ahead. Clicking open the door, he strode in materializing as he did so.

Illya did the same as she looked around the room.

It was just a normal study of a noble. There were no suspicious books that held mana, nothing that could denote this room differently than any other study of a nobleman.

Archer couldn't help but grimace a bit


Once they exited the clocktower it Illya noticed that Archer seemed to carry less weight... It wasn't that he had lost weight but it was the fact that a certain burden that was beyond Illya seemed to have lifted from his shoulders.

This made her mind run rampant. It was clear as day that this Shirou wasn't her Shirou. It was more than likely the Archer card that Miyu's Shirou used and eventually mimicked.

Yet, she knew that he was a Shirou Emiya that had an Illya in it based solely on the pain that she had seen in his eyes whenever he looked at her.

Her heart clenched. She had died early... She didn't get to say goodbye to her Shirou. She was trying to replace her Shirou with an alternate timeline version of him and while trying to replace Archer's Illya with herself.

If they keep up this cascade any longer, it would be more than likely that the memories of their versions of each other will be replaced...

Archer chopped Illya's head causing the poor girl to yelp in surprise from the surprise attack. "Eh? What was that for?" she asked as she rubbed the top of her head in feeling for anything off.

"I only can guess what you're thinking now... But don't think hard on it because we are here now," Archer said sagely, a soft smile in the place of his usually smug one.


Archer's memories of how Illya acted during his lifetime flashed throughout his head. His soft smile only grew. "After all, if you used all your nutrients to think on unnecessary stuff, how do you expect to grow?" His soft smile turned into a smug smirk.

A pout greeted him and as she looked away, he allowed himself to smile softly once more.


With a revelation that they were indeed in a different timeline,  Archer felt all his fears of him being a wanted deadman being put to rest.

After all, if there was no Clock Tower, then that would mean magic organizations didn't evolve beyond research committees. If there wasn't any association like the Clock Tower, then many, many things that would not have happened that would lead the very existence of Shirou Emiya almost nigh impossible, at least with his dream of being a Hero of Justice.

This also proves that the cycle could be broken.

He shook his head to dispell his thoughts, it would be hypocritical to think so hard when he reprimanded Illya for doing the same.

Then his instincts screamed for him to move.

Move he did.

Not knowing if Illya had sensed the danger, Archer latched on to her and hugged her tightly as he fell into a roll.

An explosion destroyed the pavement where they once were.

What the hell! Are they fucking idiots?! It was basic knowledge that all moonlit activities were always done inconspicuously or hidden away from the "normal" world. Attacks such as these were to be obviously seen in-


Everyone that was milling about around them was frozen. No, scratch that, the world around them was frozen.

He broke his roll and carefully stood up, doing his best not to hurt Illya.

Illya felt a bit jarred from the sudden actions of Archer scenery. Once she understood that she was on the floor with Archer on her, she couldn't help but feel embarrassed.

Of course, when Archer got off her, she stood up.

Archer and Illya stared in the general direction from where the attack came from.

A hundred eyes greeted them and three hundred pairs of bat wings greeted them...

A sinister grin formed on the leading figure. "Shall we have fun, spirits?"

Chapter 7 End

I published new fanfics so... It would be amazing if you guys checked them out...

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