The Hero Faction Part 2

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Chapter 21

The Hero Faction Part 2

Archer pondered on a question as he followed Siegfried to another secluded room and that being: "Should I try another fighting style?" If one were to consider his and Illya's reason for being here, it would be certainly logical to utilize another fighting style that they do not use often but on the other hand... If my skills were lacking, what would they do?

What were to happen to him if he were to partake or forced to be implanted by a snake of Ophis, the physical manifestation of the concept of the infinite?

Well to put it simply, it would be bad, very bad. If he, an agent of the collective consciousness of humanity, were to come into contact with its power... He may vanish right there and then.

He didn't know about this world's balance as such a concept is usually tossed aside in favor of idealizing the numerous gods and goddesses as foundations but if Ophis was perhaps an agent of Gaia or even Gaia itself then his whole concept of being would be overwhelmed in the constant struggle between Gaia and Alaya for the fate of the planet.

He didn't want to leave Illya alone.

"Are you ready, Archer?"

He snapped back to reality at Siegfried's words. "Ah, I do apologize I was pondering on what is the most humiliating way to defeat you," he responded with a slight of interjected arrogance.

At the face of his boasting, Siegfried merely frowned as he implanted four swords into the ground.

Archer felt momentary surprise overtake him as he visualized the concept of creation and identity of each sword. Balmung, Nothung, Tyrfing, and Dáinsleif? He has multiple noble phantasms?

Siegfried gained a toothy grin at Archer's reaction. "Surprised? Now perhaps you should consider the most likely chance of you defeating me instead of humiliating me." This little comeback had seemed to boost his ego as he arrogantly crossed his arms and leaned on Balmung.

Archer merely smirked at the comeback. "Oh? Do you honestly think you are the only one with noble phantasms?" Trace on.

"Noble phantasms? An interesting name for named-" Siegfried promptly shut up as Archer summoned his weapon.

"They seem to be demonic swords, no? In that case, I shall respond in its opposition." After his little dialogue, Archer fully traced his weapon. "Quite ugly, ain't it?" Excalibur Destruction.

"Now that I have seen it in person, I do have to admit that it is quite unwieldy."

"So are we to have a duel or a battle?"

"Depends on how you define them, but..." Siegfried chose and lifted two of his swords: Balmung and Tyrfing, resting both of them on his shoulders. "In both cases, I will be fighting with multiple swords."

Archer frowned whilst shifting his weight in a lazy manner. "Multiple?"

Siegfried smirked at the confusion displayed by Archer. "You want to see? Then let us begin."

Having been given a provocation, Archer couldn't help but feel somewhat unsure at the moment. Falling into a stance that took off some weight from the sword off of him, he allowed himself to briefly speculate. Would he control the swords using some sort of telekinesis? No... Then he wouldn't be able to utilize the inherent abilities of each sword...

"A battle," he declared firmly as he rushed forward to take the initiative. He swung from above, leveraging the weight of the sword and himself to increase the speed of the swing and hopefully catch Siegfried off guard.

The only one to be taken off guard was Archer.

Two arms sprouted from Siegfried's shoulder as they latched on to Excalibur Destruction and held it in place.

"Two critical, balance breaker," the four-armed Siegfried with a shit-eating grin.

Archer immediately abandoned Excalibur Destruction and retreated in order to give him some room. "Four arms, eh?" he remarked with a faux smirk as he felt uneasy in the face of the reveal. "Are you sure you aren't a mock Hindu hero?"

"Mock, eh?" Siegfried shook his head as he chuckled darkly. "I think you are mistaken, Archer."

Archer hummed nonchalantly, trying to brush off the foreboding speech Siegfried was using. He forced the fake Excalibur Destruction to dissipate and traced a new one, this time in a more guarded stance. "Continue," he implored as Siegfried had stopped his speech in order to assess what he was doing.

Obviously annoyed at the interruption, Siegfried continued his reveal never the less. "As I was saying, all of us in the higher echelon of the Hero Faction have something that separates us from the norm. It is curious that everyone takes the name from a hero of the long past, is it not?

"Well, we all are not only the descendants of the heroes who we take the names from but we also carry their spirit. From that spirit in which we inherit from birth, we gain such talents that we have the power necessary to carry their name without staining it," he revealed as his grin returned. "And my gift bestowed to me by my heroic spirit, the legendary slayer of Fafnir, Siegfried, I have inherited a mutated type of the sacred gear, Twice Critical, which not only allows me to increase my strength by double for a short time but allows me to grow these arms."

"Heroic spirit, huh..." Archer scoffed silently. "Very well, Siegfried the Second, shall we commence our battle?"

Siegfried became disgruntled at the nonchalance shown by Archer as he used his two free arms to rip his remaining two swords of Nothung and Dáinsleif from the ground. "If you wish despite knowing the information imparted to you, then so be it. Let me see your swordsmanship, Archer!"

Fuck my E-rank luck.

Chapter 21 End

Alright, I have decided that after two more chapters of this "Hero Faction" section, I will start the next arc which I name the "Traitor" arc.

Also, criticism is appreciated or praise if you have none. It gets quite lonely with seeing no comments.

Star and follow if you haven't already so I could get to my goal of 1k stats on this story and 200 followers on Wattpad.

Oh, school started so updates may come quicker as my liberties are restricted.

SaveTheWeak, out.

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