The Hero Faction Part 1

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Chapter 20

The Hero Faction Part 1

"Come on, magical girl Illya! You can do better than that!" Le Fay light-heartedly mocked as she dodged the numerous attacks Illya sent her way with skillful ease. Her use of her broomstick in order to fly allowing her to quickly and sharply change direction compared to Illya's need to move both her body and direction.

"Muu! I will defeat you, witch Le Fay!" Illya declared with vigor in response to Le Fay's mockery. Pushing herself, she tried to swiftly catch up to the well-versed magician only to receive a few dozen spells that blew up in her face, her protective barrier thankfully tanking all the damage.

Unluckily, it would seem Le Fay's intention was to temporarily obscure Illya's vision and thus used it to conjure up earthworks that sought to restrict Illya.

Realizing Le Fay's attention but not sure of the attack, Illya swiftly cast a massive star shield above in order to protect bombardment from above and made haste to clear out of the smoke.

When seeing the earth rising up towards her, she conjured up an energy beam and fired it. "Fuer!" she called, her attention split as fired the beam and maneuvered out of the way of the earth in case her attack failed.

"Hiya!" Le Fay shouted cheekily as she appeared right behind Illya and grabbed her shoulder. "Binda ljós!"

Straps of light suddenly appeared from Le Fay's hand and surrounded Illya thrice before tightening, thus restricting her.

"Wah!" Illya cried briefly as she was bound by the spell. Soon, however, she dejectedly hung her head in submission.

"I have defeated you, magical girl! Now, I shall gleam in the knowledge you possess!" Le Fay declared in triumph as she gave Illya a cheeky smile.

Illya soon fell into their roleplay once more as she defiantly declared, "I will not hand the secrets to you, witch!"

"Hoho! But you have no choice in the matter, for I will just read your mind!" Le Fay giggled as she tried to keep a straight face.

"With the power of love! I shall break these chains that you have bound me in!" Illya declared once more as she started to charge her energy, her mood now deeply immersed in the dialogue, unlike Le Fay who giggled once more.

Le Fay's giggles soon turned into stifled laughter which drew Illya's attention and broke her trance.

"Muu! You ruined it!" Illya childishly pouted as she pointedly but childishly glared at Le Fay.

"Sorry, it's just that the lines are so funny," the witch-themed magician admitted with a smile.

While the two were doing their little roleplay, their two brothers watched from afar.

"I do not know if they are truly fighting or just playing around," Archer commented dryly as he leaned on the wall once more as he had stood up when Illya was endangered.

Arthur, meanwhile, was more grateful than unamused as he smiled a bit at Archer's comment. "I do agree, they do seem to be taking their game a bit too far but it is quite a spectacle seeing them," he said as he looked to his sister. "It is been a while since Le Fay had this much fun and as a brother, it makes me happy seeing her so."

"By the way, is this place in some sort of excluded space? I would think that their little game would attract some attention," Archer inquired as he turned to Arthur.

The Pendragon put a finger to his chin as he thought about it. "I do believe it-"

"Ah! This place was made by Georg," another person cut in. The person being a greyish-white haired man with ruby eyes not dissimilar to a homunculus.

Not easily being disgruntled by being interrupted, Arthur turned to the person in question and gave him a polite smile. "Ah, Siegfried, I do have to apologize but I cannot duel you today. I have to watch over my sister after all."

The newly tagged Siegfried scoffed at the response. "I wasn't going to ask, yet. I came here to see the new guy and his sidekick," he revealed.

"Oh? Checking me out, are we?" Archer inquired as he subtly took in every detail about the newly met member.

"Of course, after all, I heard you went toe to toe with the old man Mr. Durandal." Siegfried then looked at Archer with an observant eye. "By the way, Cao Cao didn't give you a uniform yet?"

Archer raised an eyebrow at the question. "A uniform?" he asked in confusion as he looked at both Siegfried and Arthur. He then looked to Le Fay and with his keen eyesight, he took note of her attire despite the sparring session or game she was participating in. "School uniforms?" he asked with confusion, recognizing the uniforms.

Arthur, for his part, sighed at the mention of their uniforms. "Yes, I do believe our official uniform is a Japanese fall season school uniform," he admitted. "The reason behind it was the fact that most people here had not experienced high school yet and Cao Cao had figured to make this their high school life."

Archer was speechless for a little bit longer before he finally snapped out of it. "Oh? So Cao Cao has a high school fetish?" he inquired sarcastically as he leaned on one side. He then looked to the little battle happening right before them. "I wonder how low this high school ranks."

"I do hope that we adults do balance the ranking," Arthur said merrily, playing along with Archer's little joke.

"You are a swordsman, right?" Siegfried inquired suddenly as he caressed his chin.

Archer considered his response carefully. "I do dabble in swordsmanship," he responded nonchalantly.

"Then, I challenge you to a duel."

Archer, half-expecting this but at the same time half-not, stared at Siegfried. He then looked to Arthur who merely sighed and gave him a shrug.

Before he could give his response to the matter, a beam of energy suddenly cut the little catwalk in which they all stood on. The beam, which was unmistakenly Illya's, had nearly hit Siegfried and had caused all three of them to look at the girls.

"Eek! Sorry!" Illya called out, apologizing for nearly hitting them.

Surprisingly, Siegfried was the first to respond. "Oh? That was quite fast, I barely even noticed the attack until it was too late."

Being the only one to have fought Siegfried, Arthur looked surprised at the reveal.

Meanwhile, Archer sighed as he massaged his forehead. I guess this place seems lively enough.

Chapter 20 End

At this point, I am just putting filler until I decide on what I am going to do with this story as this is undoubtedly my most popular one and thus can't simply sleep on it any longer.

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