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Chapter 27


In a dim, forgotten cave where the feet of two beings had once set their feet upon the Earth, stood a scantily-clad little gothic-lolita girl. All around her lay dead bats, their carcasses rotting rapidly.

She looked down, her eyes drawn to the circles drawn before her. Yet despite her stare, her eyes and expression laid unimpressed.

She crouched down and in her action, the cave rumbled.

The two circles lit up at the same time as the disturbance, illuminating the cave in red light with the circles at its epicenter.

The girl then sniffed the air, taking in some sort of scent.

Seemingly satisfied, she stood up and made her way out.

In the girl's chosen ignorance and uncaring attitude, the circles burned bright red with immense power. The cave almost melting away at the sheer heat now displayed.

Then it vanished, the circles dimming rapidly and then seemingly losing their form.

Realities of different truths, different laws, and different order conflicted with each other in a bid for supremacy. Yet due to circumstances before it, a compromise was met.

A gallant knight.

A hound.

A king of Earth.

A disgraced goddess.

A demi-god.

A vengeful princess.

A many-faced Assassin.

Seven heroes and eight cards were brought to the world based on a whim.

Reality shifted in its wake.


Mana levels over the limit.

Calculating controlled release.

Running calculations.

Emergency heat treatment successful.

Running diagnosis.

Running secondary- Error, conflict with reality.

Processing the truths.

Calculating loophole.

Processing complete.

Calculation complete.

Running calculation.

Location of Caster confirmed.

Delivering surge.


With their newfound freedom from the Hero Faction's stern gaze, Archer started to deliver his reports to Azazel. Rather fortunately, the fallen angel general was in the same town as they were.

"Wine?" the angel of death inquired in white bathrobes.

"No, but may I use your kitchen?"

"Sure, knock yourself out."

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