New Arc

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Chapter 12

New Arc

Archer had to admit, not having the range advantage really sucks. He couldn't even summon his bow or else he'll be hit by the thousands of magical spheres that Illya was spewing out like a machine gun with infinite ammo.

"Hard to think that her output power could be much greater if she were to have a fully activated Ruby..." he grumbled a bit as he weaved and dodged around the projectiles.

"Ah! Take this! Hagel!" Illya declared as she switched technique.

This switch, however, lasted a second and a second was all Archer needed. Immediately rushing her, he threw the married blades already in his hands and summoned new ones.

The ones he had thrown were immediately blocked by Illya's star shield, which had destroyed her concentration on her Hagel.

Disregarding her current chances of going back to the offensive, Illya poured her prana to an all-out defense. Dozens of layers of her shield protected her from all directions of attack.

Unfortunately for her, Archer had expected this and had dismissed his married couple and summoned his bow. "My core is twisted in madness," he chanted, prana flowing and saturating the air, "Caladbolg II!"

The noble phantasm roared with energy as it soared towards Illya, who had hastily summoned dozens of her star shields to protect her from the direct impact.

Caladbolg II penetrated them a dozen at a time.

Realizing the growing futility of her effort to defend, she started to charge her attack. And once Caladbolg II almost penetrated the final shield, she fired. "Fuer!" she roared as she put her heart and soul into the technique.

Her spell only served to initiate the noble phantasm to explode prematurely, forcing Illya to protect herself from the resulting explosion and obscuring the area in smoke.

Archer went in to finish this little battle of theirs and swooped in with the married swords in hand. "I win," he triumphantly declared as he stood over the coughing Illya.

"Awwww..." she groaned dejectedly, flopping on the grass with a pout.

Smiling slightly, he sat back on the ground with a huff. "You did well," he said, giving some praise to Illya's ego. "Whenever you are vulnerable like that, be sure to equip your little barrier of yours to protect yourself."

"Right..." she grumbled as she continued to lay on the ground.

"C'mon, let's go, I rather not have to be forced to comb your hair again," he huffed as he stood himself up.

"Eh?! I could comb my hair perfectly fine!" she protested vigorously.

"Oh? You still have so much energy, want to go for round 2 then?" he questioned with a smirk.

"Another round of your beautiful dance? I vote for it!"

Archer had summoned his bow and nocked it with such speed that the tracing process was not seen. "Who are you?" he asked dangerously low as he slowly moved in between this stranger and Illya, covering her from the stranger's view.

"Woah Woah, easy there," the stranger said, raising his hands in the air in surrender. "I was told by Michael that you could help me with some things," he revealed.

Archer quirked an eyebrow but his bow still was trained on the man. "What's the code?" he demanded.

"I have forged a thousand blades yet none belong to me," the man easily replied. "You sure like the edge in your codes," he joked.

Archer scoffed. "It's has a meaning to me," he replied. "Besides, what's wrong with a bit of edge?"

"Ha! I'm starting to like you, Mr. Archer. My name is Azazel, the governer-general of the Fallen," the newly introduced Azazel introduced with a flourish of his hand and a slight bow. "A pleasure to make your acquaintance."

"You sure like the flair in your introduction," Archer quipped with a smirk, lowering his bow and dispelling the arrow.

Azazel returned the smirk. "What's wrong with a bit of flair?"

Illya, meanwhile, watched the scene with a deadpan. Definitely not Shirou.


Archer had never let his guard down even if his muscles relaxed and his weapons dispelled, his mind still has blueprints ready to be traced at a moment's notice and fire upon the leader of the Grigori.

He could never take any chances when he was around Illya. Even if she was a generally better servant in terms of parameters.

"So," be began, taking the time to cross his arms and lean back, "what do you want?"

Azazel took a sip of his tea and sent a wink towards Illya, who was trying her best not to blank out. "Thank you, sweetheart-"

Trace on.

The leader of the fallen had to stop himself short as a sword zoomed past his face and impaled the wooden floor. "I am not paying for that," he declared nonchalantly as he took a sip from his tea. "Sheesh, over protective brothers, no wonder he got along with Michael..." he grumbled under his breath.

"So, tell me why you have come to us," Archer demanded a little impatient now.

"Welp, there goes my first impression," Azazel groaned as he pulled out an item from his jacket. "Anyways, I do have a slight request which will not only benefit us, the Grigori, and Heaven but also the Devils," he placed a folder on the table that looked a tad too big to fit in the jacket he wore. "The Khaos Brigade."

Archer quirked an eyebrow as he picked up the folder. "This is rather bulky, are you asking us to take them out or...?"

Azazel shook his head. "Hardly, I just need you to infiltrate them."

"Humans? Devils? Wait, angels as well?" Archer said with surprise. "This isn't some sort of sour joke, is it?" he deadpanned.

Azazel scoffed. "No, the Khaos Brigade is a confederation of many factions, but at the center of them all is Ophis, the Ouroboros."

"The Ouroboros...?"

"The dragon god of infinity," he clarified.

Illya and Archer sucked in a breath. "Dragon god...? And you want us to infiltrate them?"

"At least one of their factions, more specifically the Hero Faction," Azazel revealed, pointing to a handful of photos still on the table. "They are exclusively a faction of humans with sacred gears, with their leaders wielding Longinus's and demonic and holy swords. Their common goal is to put humanity at the top of the world order."

Archer flashed the largest bundle of photos. "And they work with devils? How hypocritical," he scoffed.

"As I said, the Khaos Brigade is a confederation of sorts all united by the power of Ophis and as such many of them still feud with each other."

"Right... So, when do we start?"

Chapter 12

I wrote this in a day, I finally surpassed my writer's block. Haha! Thank the Shiro Sagisu's soundtracks on Bleach!

Bleach music helped me find direction to this story and many others if you couldn't tell.

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