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Chapter 177013


Illya stared at the very large egg and the egg stared back at her.

"Touch me," the egg said, its voice deep and surprisingly soothing.

Hesitantly, Illya reached out and touched its tip. The pulsing rock-hard head is seemingly ready to burst.

"Touch me harder."

She recoiled a bit at the very strange request and looked straight into the egg's eyes.

Within them, she saw a dancing bunny that-


Illya gasped as she awoke from the horrible nightmare she just experienced.

"Hey, you're finally awake?" Archer asked as he closed his book.

"Y-Yeah..." she replied a bit out of breath.

"Oh? Were you trying to cross the border?"

Illya looked up to Archer, her ruby eyes looking at his steely grey with utter confusion. "Eh?"

Archer merely chuckled as he leaned on the chair he sat on. The room they were situated in was a comfy living room with sofas, chairs, and tables spewed about facing the television.

"I am guessing you walked into the ambush? Same as me and that mutt of there." Archer then pointed to his right where Cu laid sprawled on his dog bed.

"Damn you, humans..." Cu said, his maw moving but not matching his words. "Life was nice until you came along. My pack was well-trained and fed. I would've taken all of Flordia until you showed up!"

Cu barked at Archer, obviously agitated.

In response, the iron-wrought hero, the man who held the ability to copy any blade, and a person who could directly counter the greatest of heroes, used his powers to trace a ball and threw it outside the balcony. "Fetch."

Then everything went from strange to utterly insanely hallucinogenic once the ball disappeared from view.

For once the ball has been cast, a butterfly man shall show thou self for all the world to see.

This butterfly man's white body contrasted itself with its demonic black face. At the tip of the wings, equally demonic maws adorned it. In his right hand was not a sword but merely a blade.

"Did you think... That a mere ball could defeat me, human?!"

In his left hand, the ball Archer traced simply died in a wisp. Then, the maws opened and balls of energy collected at-


Illya removed the VR headset as she collapsed on her bed. "Ugh..." she groaned as an incoming headache formed once she began to adjust to the new reality.

She stared at the ceiling as she collected her thoughts. Around her bed, a dozen or so video game cases and anime DVDs surrounded her.

What... Was that game? She asked herself as she continued to stare at the ceiling.

"Illya~! Did you do your homework?" Le Fay's voice asked from downstairs.

The magical girl who symbolized innocence through her nature and personality felt her heart still as panic set in. She forgot to do her-


A guy stared at his phone, his eyes dying from the strain of looking at a bright light in a dark setting. Yet, he continued to stare at it.

At his feet, an old dog curled soundly in sleep, her small snores almost inaudible to the normal ears. Snuggled in his arms was a worn purple teddy-bear, its fillings spewed on the floor below his bed.

He put down his phone as he stared into the ceiling and in an almost inaudible whisper he said: "Well... It's already April..."

I forgot to write anything... Ah... Maybe I should just write some random shit and call it content...

Chapter Haha Time Go Brrrr End

"Post nut clarity knows no man and yet, man knows it very well" - Aristotle, maybe.

Chapter currently halfway done, maybe be released by next week... Maybe...

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