Hero Faction Part 3

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Chapter 22

Hero Faction Part 3

Archer stood firmly as he shifted himself into a roof guard with his sword pointed behind him.

Siegfried himself took a strange stance due to his wielding of four blades on four arms.

Troublesome. Was the only word that crossed Archer's mind as he awaited Siegfried to make the first move.

"I am the bone of my sword," he muttered under his breath as he readied blueprints in case he needed to switch up his approach in a moment's notice.

Siegfried took the first move as he launched himself at Archer. With Balmung and Nothung on his right, he used the two swords as his leading strike. He sought to use his and the swords' weight to force a lock.

Realizing what Siegfried was planning, Archer quickly dodged Balmung and Nothung by sidestepping diagonally to the right. He then swiftly delivered punishment by used the pommel of Excalibur Destruction to hit Siegfried in the face.

Siegfried responded by quickly stabilizing his footing and used the sword on his second left arm, Dáinself, to block the strike. Using the other left arm, he punched Archer in the gut.

Having expected a reprisal after his pommel strike had failed, Archer had readied his body for punishment and thus was relatively unharmed as he was sent flying. He flew for a little while until he was able to get a footing on the floor once more. He implanted Excalibur Destruction into the floor, the sword creating a little crater in where he impaled it.

"I would say this is quite unfair," Archer mused with amusement. "It is like fighting two highly skilled ladies at once."

Siegfried merely scoffed at the little jest as took up another unorthodox guard. "It is wrong to take me lightly, Archer. If you truly want to even have the ability to rival me in the skill of swordsmanship then use your own weapons."

Archer smirked as he stood up straight and dismissed Excalibur Destruction. "I suppose you are right..." he admitted. "But one thing you got wrong was that I have ownership over any of my blades." Trace on.

As he made his little dialogue, he traced the familiar blades of Kanshou and Bakuya. "Shall we begin?" he asked with a little gleam in his eye.


Illya and Le Fay watched alongside Arthur the battle unfolding before them. "Things are really heating up, I hope they won't hurt each other badly..." Illya said with a worrisome tone.

"I'm sure they will be fine! Plus big brother can break them up if they go too far!" Le Fay replied with confidence.

Arthur meanwhile merely watched the proceedings with an intrigued expression.

"So this is the man who as a power similar to Blade Blacksmith in action," another voice spoke up as they got closer.

"Ah! Jeanne!" Le Fay said excitedly as she went over to her fellow female blonde. "How have you been?"

Jeanne merely shrugged as she continued to look at the ensuing battle. "Fine, I just got finished with ensuring the people that took Illya's medicine were well," she revealed nonchalantly whilst sending a side glance at Illya.

Illya, meanwhile, gained a worried look as she walked up to Jeanne. "Are they well?" she asked with uncertainty.

"Yeah, most of them are going to make it out with little scars."

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