Heavenly Meeting

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Chapter 10

Heavenly Meeting

Archer's instincts were telling him to run or slay the man before him.

The man was clad in golden armor with broad pauldrons and long drapes attached to said pauldrons. His hair was as long as Illya's, his eyes pointed downwards that only gave innocence, and a holo hovered over his head. Everything about him screamed angel in Archer's mind.

"Welcome," the angel greeted pleasantly, a peaceful smile adorning his face. "Please, take a seat if you will."

Archer scrutinized the angel before sending a glance at the couch and plopping himself down. "So... Who are you?"

Despite Archer's tone, the angel's smile did not waver in the slightest.

"I am Michael, leader of the Seraphim and heaven's domain," the angel, Michael, introduced himself with a slight bow of his head.

Illya opened gaped at the introduction. "Y-Y-You're t-the Michael?!" she stuttered, a blush adorning her face.

Michael nodded. "I am," he reaffirmed kindly. "And who would you be, young lady?"

Illya's mind went blank as her mind overloaded. "I-I-I-Illyasv-viel..." she mumbled out shyly, her hands fidgeting with each other.

Archer allowed himself to smile in amusement at Illya's antics. "So..." he drawled, his smile dropping in an instant and his eyes scrutinizing Michael once again. "What do you want?"

"No need for hostilities," Michael said, his smile trying to disarm the duo. "But I do suppose dragging this any longer would be a waste of both of our time."

Archer merely scoffed before fixing himself in a more disarming and comfortable position. "Go on," he motioned.

Michael seemed to deflate as he too went into a more comfortable but more elegant position. "I am sure that father Ernst has apologized on the Church's behalf on the attack on your persons, Heaven also extends an apology for the misdeeds of one affiliated with us. All we ask for that matter is forgiveness." He then made a slight bow, to which Archer dismissed and motioned him to continue.

"Now, to the main reason why I have come to talk to you in person..." A more determined look crossed his face. "The holy grail."

At those words, both Archer and Illya tensed.

"So my suspicions are correct, you both are somehow connected to the holy grail..." he made no movement as both servants tensed for a fight. "I will not force your answer... But what is your relation to the Holy Grail?"

Archer pondered on the question for a tad bit. This was a new world... A new timeline where the Age of Gods has not ended...

If the Age of Gods have not ended, what was the need to rediscover the Third True Magic, Heaven's Feel?

"We were summoned by it," he declared.

"Who was your summoner?" Michael asked almost immediately, his smile gone and replaced with a neutral frown.

Archer shrugged without skipping a beat. "I do not know, all I know I was suddenly in a cave with Illya here," he ruffled the said girl's hair, eliciting a small squeak from her.

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