Desert Storm

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Chapter 29

Desert Storm

Illya gasped in pain as her hands immediately pressed themselves on her abdomen and chest. Yet, as fast as it came, the pain disappeared.

Confused at the sudden disappearance of the pain, she looked to her abdomen to look for the dagger wound inflicted by her what she can only assume to be Assassin, or more specifically, the Hassan of the hundred personas.

"Wha-?" she could only gap at the lack of said wound as her abdomen and dress remained unharmed.

In the process of inspecting her "wound", she saw the glistening sand of the now sunny desert.

Hesitantly, she looked up and inspected her vast almost unchanging surroundings. The familiar scene giving her the sense of deja vu.

"Eh?" she turned around and around as she took in her surroundings. "Eh?!"


Archer stared at Illya in surprise. He looked to Avalon and then to her body.

Was Avalon's power this fast? he asked himself with utter confusion. Sure, the scabbard of the last phantasm was certainly a powerful defensive noble phantasm but without Saber, how did it work so quickly?

The door clicked open as the doctor walked in. "I am sorry to disturb you, but I ask you to exit the room so we can perform some X-rays."

Archer looked at the doctor and then to the hidden Avalon. I can't have him see Avalon and I need to make sure Illya's health is good...

"I see... May I ask where is the toilet?" he asked, turning to the doctor.

"Oh, it's just at the end of the hall on your right."

With that, Archer nodded and stood up. Walking out, he sent a final glance at Illya before leaving.

Once he exited the room, he touched the wall. 'Trace on..."

He then moved to an empty room and dematerialized, immediately moving to Illya.


Illya flew over the endless desert with a tired expression. Her weariness due to the harsh psychological effect the desert was having upon her.

While she did not thirst nor hunger, the rays of the sun nevertheless heated her tiny body. "U-Ugh..." she groaned as she scoured a place of shade. "Where's the oasis?!" she shouted out in frustration.

Having traveled for what she felt like an hour and the mentioned heat affecting her, her weariness was overwhelming.

It was then that the world decided to throw her a bone. As she spotted a tent.

Utter desperate relief filled her soul as she made a beeline for the lone tent. Her mind briefly disregarding any sense of caution or question as to why a lone tent was situated in the middle of nowhere.

Then, she landed and once she stood right outside the opening, she felt apprehension course through her. Her mind now finally catching itself in the middle of her weariness.

"Er... H-Hello?" she called out hesitantly, her hand squeezing her wand in preparation for a fight.

"Why did the grail summon us to fight you?"

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