Mr. Durandal

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Before we start, I had actually edited some lines from the last chapter.

Chapter 14

Mr. Durandal

Archer evaluated his opponent and to say he was a tad bit worried was an understatement. Massive muscles, wizened eyes, and the sheer size of the man before him reminded him of a certain servant.

Even Durandal, a sword bigger than your average person, was like a toothpick in the man's hands.

Note to self, do not attempt to block his attacks.

With the speed impossible to a person of his size, the man shot off. The swiftness on his feet made Archer pause as flashbacks of his past entered into his mind.

"It is a mistake to freeze in battle," the man declared as he stopped in his tracks, his sword gleamed as it closed into Archer's neck.

Archer made no move for he did not need to. The holy sword gleamed as stopped short from his throat, the power within the blade pulsed with energy as it threatened his life.

"Let me ask again, hand yourself and Excalibur Destruction willingly," the man's voice was soft despite the coarseness of it.

Archer sighed as he grabbed Excalibur Destruction's hilt and backed away, duly noting that the man had allowed him to do so. "I do have to apologize, you do seem like a man that is full of compassion but I have a mission I must complete. Therefore, before I escape or die trying, my name is Archer, may I ask for yours?"

The man replied with understanding, "Vasco and before we begin our bout, I will say that I respect your conviction."

Archer smirked as he hefted Excalibur Destruction up onto his shoulder. "I was told that my conviction was my defining trait," he remarked before taking off in the opposite direction, Vasco immediately giving chase.

Due to the factor that Excalibur Destruction was weighing down, the massive priest was gaining ground almost immediately. Realizing this, he began to take sharp turns and twists as he tried to shake off Vasco.

Unfortunately for him, it would seem his comparison of Vasco to Herakles was annoyingly holding up. The man followed him relentlessly as they charged around the Vatican, destroying walls and floors in the process.

Finally realizing the utter futility of running, Archer ground his retreat to a halt and faced the big man.

Their resulting clash of steel shook the Vatican to the core.

"I assume that Excalibur Destruction isn't your type of sword," Vasco commented as their blades locked.

"Oh, whatever could you mean?" Archer replied sarcastically as he took steps to disengage himself with the man.

"For one, the blade looks too big for you and two, your style is full of holes."

To that Archer smirked. "Everything would look small to you," he remarked as he disengaged and spun around to throw the holy sword out of the vicinity like a javelin. "And, you're right! Bastards are not my style!" he yelled as the sword broke a hole in the barrier and exited the premise. He distinctively saw a flash of pink before he turned around to face his opponent once more.

"Shall we continue our bout?" he asked as he landed, his hands gripping the familiar hilts of a certain married couple.

Vasco, on the other hand, was frowning as he looked beyond Archer. "Your accomplice is a child...? Your sister?"

Archer too frowned at the obvious emotional jab the priest was trying to hit. "The runt can take of herself," he grunted as he readied his stance.

Vasco turned his eyes to Archer once again. Saying nothing, he charged the dual-wielding servant.

Diverting the blow away from him, Archer spun around and aimed a strike to the priest's exposed back, slicing the skin and drawing first blood.

Vasco frowned and gained distance away from Archer as he touched his injury to access it. Unfortunately for him, Archer wasn't going to let up in his attacks.

Summoning his black bow, he fired barrage after barrage at the priest, which had the effect of pinning the man, and started to back away. But a rather faint feeling in his gut told him something big was coming.

"I am the bone of my sword! Steel is my body and fire is my blood!" His quick chant was immediately followed up by him firing a large layered barrage and then the dismissal of his bow.


"Rho Aias!"

The beam of pure energy met his ultimate defense and immediately two petals broke, a third soon followed as his defense started to buckle under the stress. Blood started to pour down his arm but he paid no mind, for his victory was no assured. A weapon started to trace in his hand.

As the attack ended, the unmistakable gleam of a sword shined as an injured yet determined Vasco charged with Durandal gleaming with energy. Yet, the man's blade met no foe for there was none.

A long nameless chain shot down from above, wrapping itself around him and Durandal.

Archer gripped the chain from above before throwing it down, a nameless spear formed in his hand and he threw it at one of the spaces in the link of the chain before leaving. He sent a glance at Durandal, his mind trying to see if he could replicate it before wincing. Damn.

Reaching the edge of the bounded field, he summoned Rule Breaker once more and stabbed it into the barrier, potentially destroying it but he could hardly care less.

As he left, he took note of the panicked faces all around the area as non-supernatural news vans pulled up around the Vatican. This was expected, after all, this was the first time that the Vatican was attacked in plain sight since World War 2.

I wonder how they are going to cover this up.

He sincerely hoped that Michael actually sanctioned this little action of theirs.


Michael felt betrayed as he read the reports of the attack on the Vatican by a human he had put his trust to. All he could do was frown and clasped his hands over themselves. "Really, Azazel?"

Chapter 14 End

No idea how- Oh right, the Durandal really confused you guys, didn't? Well, if you just look up Vasco Strada on the internet, you'll find most of his profile there.

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