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Chapter 19


What was she supposed to do? Just simply watch as dozens of people die in total agony? It quite angered her that the people here have the audacity to call themselves heroes while committing such horrible treatments to innocent people.

She was a bit mad at Archer as well for even going along with it... Shirou would never let this fly even if they were to go undercover.

Drawing upon her limited knowledge of healing magecraft, she tried to heal the blisters that ran rampant over her first patient's skin.

"Are you alright?" she asked with a grimace, fully knowing that she would not receive an answer in the loud gut-wrenching screaming the person was letting out.

"They are all currently undergoing their evolution towards balance breaker," one of Archer's current companions explained as he approached her.

Glaring at the man briefly, she spotted Archer and his other companion approaching as well.

Doubt started to well up at seeing the emotionless stare Archer gave her. Her previous resolution in saving the people around her now being drowned by the wails and screams of pain of the said people.

"Why are you doing this?" she asked, her voice resolute despite the doubt creeping up on her.

The smug spearman, Cao Cao she believed, spoke first. "In order to test the limits of humanity and spear all the evil beings in this world cleanly in the chest," he explained, his eyes scanning over the withering masses. "In order to achieve that, we are giving them a certain boost."

"Why are you issuing this much suffering when you could just train them to become stronger?" Illya inquired quietly, meekly even as she focused half of her attention to healing the withering person laying on the ground before her.

"Tell me, do you know that not everyone has the ability to achieve a balance breaker? Whether it is their innate ability or drive, many humans never achieve the peak of their power. Of course, this is discounting the numerous people who have no knowledge of their sacred gear."

Illya remained silent, instead choosing to focus her attention on trying to ease the person's wounds. She observed that there were no wounds except for two little holes on the side of their neck. Glancing at another victim, she carefully observed the presence of the snake-like bite on each person around her.

"Are they even human anymore?" she asked in a quiet voice once again. "You made them into dead apo- vampires..."

Cao Cao raised an eyebrow at the question of the masses' humanity before chuckling. "What gave you the idea we turned them into vampires?"

Illya's glare intensified at the idea of them turning the people into creatures worst than vampires.

"We didn't turn them into non-humans if that was what you were wondering," Georg cut in, trying his best to diffuse the situation, "all we did was give them a sliver of power from Ophis."

Archer silently look at the masses, his thoughts becoming confused as he looked at them. All of these people here are being infused with power from the ouroboros dragon?

Indeed, now that he observed them more, he found that the tendrils that were clinging to the people were actually indeed snakes, their mouths attaching itself into the host and injecting power into the host's veins.

This is worst than I thought... He looked over to Illya again, only to freeze at seeing the horrified look on her face. It would seem that they have something in common...

"Enough," he spoke up, drawing the attention towards himself, "as much as I like to hear the little details, I do not tolerate you horrifying my sister with such details."

"I-I am not scared!" Illya burst out, drawing the attention back to her. She then glared heatedly Cao Cao, who she suspected to be the mastermind behind the whole plan. "It's just that... Why are you condoning and taking amusement in the pain of others!"

Cao Cao seemed to frown a bit at the accusation, his weight shifting itself as he lifted his weight from his spear. "Those are big words for a child," he mused as his cocky grin was still fixated on his face. "Tell me, in the face of overwhelming evil, would you fight evil with a lesser evil or stand righteously even if it means to succumb to evil?"

Illya pondered on the question for a second before responding with, "Even if it means losing, I will never sacrifice anyone in order to defeat the evil, even at the cost of my life."

"Suicidal at a fault, hm? You got spirit, kid but you will eventually wake up to the reality-"

"I know I will, I know that my ideal is impossible," she declared, cutting Cao Cao off from his tangent. "But even if I can't save everyone... I will still continue even if I ultimately fail."

"What if your ideals lead to the ones you try to save ultimately turning on you?" This time it wasn't Cao Cao or Georg who asked the question but Archer.

At the oddly specific question, Illya faltered a bit before she remembered something. "Even if I am betrayed, at least someone lives," she stated with certainty.

Archer curled his lips, his mind wanting to refute her words but his heart trying to put it to rest. Sighing, he scratched the back of his head in irritation.

"You can continue to heal them," Georg said, speaking up and drawing Illya's attention. "You may keep their health in check as they undergo the process but you cannot try to remove or hamper the process. While we do indeed seek for an army of people who can use balance breaker if the casualty rate is too high, it would be just wasting human resources."

Cao Cao glared at Georg, his eyes judging whether or not the mage was challenging his system. Thus sensing this, Georg defended himself, "I am not seeking to challenge your process, Cao Cao, I am just trying to maximize our resources."

"Oh? Care to tell then why you didn't heal them or have Le Fay heal them?" Cao Cao inquired condescendingly.

Georg simply pointed at the person that Illya had treated. "He is no longer screaming, his heart is still beating, and his boosted gear is still evolving. I nor Le Fay had any knowledge of keeping the patient alive while continuing the process." He then glanced at Le Fay, who was being held back by Arthur.

Cao Cao looked at Illya again, his glare lessened to that of a stare. "Well, you better get to work, kid."

Illya glared at the man once more before looking at the stabilizing victim who screamed no more but instead laid peacefully asleep. She then turned to Archer who ignored everything going on around him and instead pondered deeply.

One positive and amusing thought popped in her head as she noticed Archer's behavior. Just like Shirou.

Chapter 19

Was playing EU4 as Naples and was about to form the Roman Empire then my game ended which made me depressed and which made me write. Last time I only wrote because I was depressed about Io's death in Code Vein. So I guess I only write cause I am depressed...?

Also, I wrote this at 3 AM again, fuck me.

SaveTheWeak, out.

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