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Chapter 15


"Damn, the Church are sure ruthless," Archer muttered as he saw the house, that he and Illya lived in, go into flames. He sent a glance at Illya, who was quite literally sprinting in the air as he held her by the scuff of her magical girl uniform.

"Shirou! Let me gooooooo! My collection!" Illya cried as she started to pry herself from him.

Archer gave her a deadpanned stare. "We could always buy more, I am pretty sure you didn't get any exclusive toys, right?"

"Hey! They aren't toys!" Illya huffed as she childishly glared at him. "And it doesn't matter if they aren't limited-time exclusives! They are still my merchandise!"

The duo started a small staring competition, to which Illya relented in favor of continuing her struggle against him. Finally, she relented as she drooped and hung her head low. "Fine..." she muttered.

Archer gave a faint smile to Illya before turning his gaze back to their burning home. Luckily, the people who had lit the fire had made some efforts in controlling the fire to contain it.

Many would see it foolish to stand there in the open when your enemies obviously are around and more than likely waiting to spring the ambush or trap. However, they were in their spirit form so that was of little concern to either of them.

Cu, the ever-loyal wolf of Illya, was forced to stay in their new hideout. Archer made a quick mental note to get some food for the wolf and some water.

"Let's go," he declared as he ran off.

"Eh? Hey! Wait for me!"


Archer smelt the familiar scent of holy divinity that he associated with the angels, specifically Michael, from behind the door He became curious at the presence of the Seraph but at the same time a bit apprehensive.

Illya, lacking a magical sense, barged into their hideout with her body automatically pathfinding itself to the nearest couch. She didn't even notice the Seraph as she collapsed and immediately fell asleep.

A gentle chuckle erupted from Michael at the antics of the little girl. "Truly, she is innocent," he spoke gently as he patted her head with care.

"She is," Archer affirmed solemnly. "So..." he drawled as he sat himself down on another couch, facing Michael. "What business do we have?"

Michael's gentle smile was quickly replaced by a small frown. "You attacked the Vatican, why?"

Archer blinked before letting out a loud groan. "Azazel didn't tell you, did he?"

A small sigh escaped the Seraph's lips as he got a full view of the picture. "I am sure my brother has a reason for this, has he told you why?"

They both knew that was a rhetorical question as Michael knew a bit of Archer's guarded nature and Archer knew himself.

"He wants to use this attack as a way to attract the attention of the Khaos Brigade, specifically the Hero Faction," the bowman revealed, as he got comfortable. "We were to infiltrate it and all."

Michael's eyes dawned with understanding as he relaxed. "I understand, so are you going to keep the Excalibur?" he questioned.

Archer turned his gaze to the lazily discarded blade that laid against the corner. "If you want to bring it back, go ahead. I can just create a copy and call it the original. Although, I do need you to keep it locked up tight from the rest of the world so they won't get suspicious." As he spoke, he traced a copy of the Excalibur of Destruction.

Michael sat there, a bit stunned at the reveal of the fact that Archer could trace an Excalibur. "Is there a limit on how many you can make...?" he inquired with hesitance.

Archer shrugged as he dispelled the sword. "As it is, I could with Illya's vast reserves." Of course, the last part was a little lie, he could trace many Noble Phantasms mostly due to the reserves of an unknown source of which Illya too relied on.

"W-Wah... Who're you talking to, Shero..." Illya drowsily asked as she sat up. She turned her head to Michael and let out a noisy yelp. "U-U-Uh..." she mouthed out, her mind trying to comprehend who sat before her.

Archer merely smirked as Illya began her stuttering mess of words.


"You sure you don't want the Excalibur?" he asked again.

Michael shook his head. "Now that I have the full picture, I know that this is a temporary sacrifice I must make. Be warned, however, the Church will still look for it with the same ruthlessness they are currently using."

Archer smirked a bit. "Don't worry, we will not step on your toes too harshly," he said amused as he leaned on the doorframe.

The archangel nodded a bit. "I do request you don't kill them but I solemnly understand that your mission is of most importance," he said in admission. "Good luck, Mr. Emiya."

Archer watched as Michael stepped through the conjured Gates of Heaven and watched as it vanished with no trace that it ever was there. He heaved a sigh as he went back in. "Great way to make a man like me feel old..." he muttered, a sudden note popped up in his head. "Definitely going to stab a few swords into that bastard," he grumbled.

"E-Eh?! S-S-Shirou said a bad word!" Illya screamed with utter disbelief as she pointed accusingly at him. "You must be an impostor! A doppelgänger! Where did you put my Shirou!"

"Calm down, Illya..." Archer said a bit nervously. Wait... My Shirou?

To Be Continued

Chapter 15 Done

Sorry for not updating, I just recently got over some minor depression in being forced out of wrestling and my failing grades.

I also plan on upgrading the number of words per chapter to 3k or 5k and see how that goes...

I personally think it's a bad idea but I just reread my Bleach stories and I must say I was impressed with it.

Also, I do plan on updating my bleach stories on and I am planning to rewrite my New Order fanfic just to fix grammar and pacing (which means I won't be actually changing the story).

Also big shoutout for the Bleach soundtrack for motivation and ideas, I especially thank Lie Fu's "Life is Like a Boat."

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