The Mage and Her Knight

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Chapter 2

The Mage and Her Knight

"I... I want to live... I want to be... With Shirou..."

Analyzing conditions, all conditions have been met. Processing wish...

"I just want to go... To a world of wonders... I want to be..."

The winner has been deceased, calculating... Siphoning the last energies... Wish has been granted. Accessing loser #5's knowledge... Access complete. Activating Second Magic... Locating winner... The winner has been found, requisitioning servant... Identifying "Shirou," accessing the winner's knowledge. "Shirou" has been found, requisitioning servant.


"This is a summoning circle..." Archer said with a sigh.

"What does that mean?" Caster inquired, her frilly pink outfit making her glow a bit, making it easy for Archer to spot her out.

Archer heaved another sigh as he stood up and crossed his arms on his chest. "Meaning, we weren't summoned as Counter Guardians, instead we were summoned as servants."

"Servants..." Caster's thoughts wandered to the only "Holy Grail War" she experienced.

"But, since we didn't receive any knowledge on anything when we were summoned, it would seem the grail in this war has an anomaly..." Archer's face visibly scrunched up in disgust before he heaved another sigh. "You're a caster right?"

Caster fidged a bit from the intense stare Archer was giving her and tried to formulate an answer. "U-Um... W-Well... I'm more of a second-rate magus more than anything..."

Archer, obviously now stressed with what was happening and cursing his E-rank luck, pinched the bridge of his nose.


"So... What are we going to do now?" Caster asked as they walked down a dirt path with tan cloaks covering them that Archer conjured up.

Archer sent a side glance at Caster, amusement evidently in his eyes. "You want to play dolls?"

"Hey!" Caster said indignantly. "For your information, mister. I am 13!"

Archer gave Caster a sarcastic grin. "You want to play dress-up instead?"

Caster's cheeks gained a minor red blush as she poked her fingers together. "Can we? I do like trying on some clothes."

Archer stumbled a bit at the answer, recovering quickly he decided to immediately change subjects. "13? That's a bit young to be a Counter Guardian..."

Caster's mood immediately turned sheepish at the reminder of her death. "W-Well... I-I guess it started with me being in a tough spot... And well, I asked A-Alaya for help... After the whole thing, I may have accidentally drunk a potion I found that may or may not have been p-poisoned..." she said sheepishly, obviously heavily embarrassed on how hilarious her death was.

Processing that her death was a mere embarrassing memory for her, Archer presumed it safe for light conversation. "Oh? Care to tell as to why you drank a potion before checking? After all, are you not a magus?"

Caster flushed in embarrassment. "W-Well... Y-You know h-how after clearing a d-dungeon there are always rewards... I-I may have a-assumed that the loot was safe..." she said with utter embarrassment as she dwindled her fingers.

Archer chuckled at Caster's, or Illya's, hilarious way of thinking, causing her to flush brighter red. "You truly are a child," he said with a sarcastic smirk.

Caster puffed her cheeks in agitation as Archer continued to laugh at her plight. Scratch that! He isn't Shirou! "Y-You... Meanie!" she yelled, closing her eyes and pointing her wand at Archer.

Archer's eyes widened with shock as he extended out his arms to summon a shield. "Oi oi oi!"



A police officer yawned a bit as he took a bite out of his sandwich. Savoring his dinner, he checked the time.


He groaned a bit before continuing his late dinner.


He jumped in surprise at the noise explosion which made him drop his sandwich. Cursing very audibly, he turned to his partner, who was fast asleep and awoke him. "Wha-?" his partner drooled.

"Wake up shithead! Call for backup! This is a possible illegal arms deal!"

The partner immediately got the radio and reported back to the station while the first police officer drove towards the smoke.

"This is officer Santos, possible illegal arms deal in the forest. I repeat possible illegal arms deal in the forest, requesting back up! Heading towards the smoke!"


The second officer shouted at the first, "Hans! The transmission broke!"

"No shit, Sherlock!"


"I-I-I-I'm s-sorry!" Caster apologized as she bowed furiously, her back going up and down faster than even Archer's eyes could see. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"

A bit singed from the point-blank attack, Archer simply rolled his shoulders before shrugging. "It's fine," he waved off. "Anyways, shall we continue to look for civilization, brat?"

Caster puffed her cheeks in irritation but suppressed the impulse to blow her fellow servant into smithereens.

After walking a little bit further, they finally found civilization.

The many lights and the skyscrapers confirmed the time period they were summoned in, which luckily they both were familiar with.

Unknowingly, they both released a breath they did not know they were holding.

They both looked at each other with expectant stares before they erupted in a fit of chuckles and giggles.

"I-I'm Illyasviel von Einzbern and you are?" Caster greeted with a smile so innocent that Archer was stock still for a bit.

Once he recovered, Archer gave a smirk. "Shirou Emiya, nice to meet you."

"Illyasviel von Einzbern, it is nice to meet you," Caster greeted with a smile. Yet, her eyes spotted something.

Could a smirk look so sad?

Then, they heard the distinct noise of police sirens.

Chapter 2

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