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Chapter 4


Archer sniffed the air, his eyes scanning the area for the source of the smell.

The concentration of mana.

"Mmmm!" she moaned in delight as she continued to dig into her food.

"Aren't you a bit too young to have an orgasm?" he inquired with a smirk.

Illya choked on the meat she was chewing and was reduced to violent coughs and a blushing mess. "I-I'm- cough- n-not 10!" she indignantly coughed out.

"Yeah yeah..." Archer waved off, "keep up."

"W-Wait what-"

Archer, after finding the source of the smell, he took off, careful to limit himself to that of a very athletic runner.

Illya finished swallowing her food before taking off as well. "Wait up, Shirou!"


Archer narrowed his eyes at the dead apostle, who was currently feasting on what appeared to be a prostitute of some kind. The dead apostle, seemingly a recently turned one, based on the lack of awareness, carelessly drank the blood without anything to keep out bystanders.

He turned to his right to find Illya watching with horror, her fist tightening and eyes dilated. This is not my Illya... She would've accepted it and plan a way of attack or simply ignored it and perhaps tipping the Burial Agency...

It was obvious, from the lack of emotion-driven action and vomit, that she had seen something similar but the contrast to his Illya was prominent.

He shook his head and instead thought on his course of action. On one hand, he could just ignore it and lay low, or he could just snipe it and then leave. But, does this dead apostle have a master?

That was the tricky part because True Apostles were a dangerous bunch, some having the power to rival top-tier servants.

Suddenly, the dead apostle's head snapped towards them, a sadistic smile flashed his red teeth. Suddenly, he burst into a colony of bats which flew upwards and forced Illya on her butt.


Tch. A familiar breeder... This is definitely no recently turned dead apostle. Archer chastised himself mentally. His eyes followed the bats as the plummeted downwards.

Tracing Kanshou and Bakuya, he immediately charged forward towards the swarm of bats.

The familiar sound of steel rang out.

Kanshou's strike was met with hard metal and as the bats fully reformed, what met kanshou was a cold blade that hummed with power.

Archer immediately brought up Bakuya in a sideways swipe.

The dead apostle's eyes moved to Bakuya, a hand taken off his sword and moved towards Archer's other blade.

Archer immediately took the weakened grip to push with Kanshou, throwing Bakuya forward -- missing the dead apostle -- in order to grip the dead apostle's wrist to prevent him reinforcing his grip. The dead apostle's grip on his sword failed, allowing Archer to get around the apostle, forcing the apostle down by dragging the wrist down.

Then, the dead apostle burst into a colony of bats, which flew past Archer and reformed from above. "Take this you bastard!" the dead apostle screamed.

Archer, being an experienced servant, rolled forward to where Illya was and began to trace-


Illya's wand, Ruby, lit up and a massive beam of energy shot from the tip, and consumed the dead apostle whole.

Archer straightened his posture, his eyes going to Illya, to see if she was showing any signs of exhaustion from using a primitive, mundane yet effect blast of mana. Absolutely no signs of exhaustion.

Illya's eyes turned to Archer's, her brows scrunching up in confusion as to why he was looking at her so intently. Then, a chop to the forehead.

Archer looked at Illya's face with an amused expression as she tended to her new injury. "Owiee! Why did you have to do that?!" she whined as she rubbed her bruise.

"You throw around your spells so carelessly, we would be lucky if no normal bystanders saw that, which is highly unlikely," Archer lectured, but his tone was light-hearted as if he was simply doing it for amusement.

"Meanie..." Illya puffed.

Archer jumped down, to which Illya reluctantly joined him in, her hood falling on top of her head. She sucked in her breath as they approached the body.

"Stop right there, vampires!" an angry voice yelled at them from behind. "You shall pay for your murders!"

An executor?

Archer calmly walked past Illya, his swords slowly tracing, not in a rush to form. "Vampires? You must be recently brought in the fold to call dead apostles by that childish name," he snarked. "Especially since you can't tell that we aren't one of them."

The executor narrowed his eyes, his face scrunching up in anger. "Your arrogance certainly matches theirs!" he roared, as he lit up the weapon that he held in his hand. The light condensing to form a pretty solid sword.

"Your speed certainly isn't at all impressive," Archer remarked as he took a step forward, swords already fully traced.

Dirt was kicked up as Archer sped towards the charging executor. Sword merely poised to disarm his weaker opponent.

The executor, who apparently had combat experience, stumbled into a tight roll, narrowly evading Archer's strike.

Planting his leading foot on the ground, he coiled up his leg to absorb most of the energy before shooting off towards Archer.

Only a bit surprised that the young executor had dodged his strike, Archer immediately slid himself to a halt before preparing himself for the onslaught of attacks.

Poising himself for a running stab, the executor coiled his arms like a loaded gun before releasing it in a quick and heavy stab.

Archer tossed his swords away, drawing the executor's eyes to them briefly. It was over.

Archer first latched on to the executor's wrist and broke his grip on the light sword. Next, he latched on to the executor's neck and lifted him high.


Archer's nose twitched. "Shit. More executors."

Chapter 4 End

I just want to turn to dust and go with the wind at this rate.

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