🔪🪓💣 Trying to get along ♠️⌛️🗡

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 " I think there was a specific reason why Multiverses don't usually get explored a lot, it's because the timelines that do enter fear can cause chaos like no one has ever seen... and pies and bunnies for some weird reason- WAIT GAMER CALM DOWN DOWN!!!"- Ice Finn  

(Bipper's POV) 

 "look, I know we probably won't get a long very well but that isn't to say we can't try!" Said Dipper, Honestly I was so stupid back then despite being a real nerd. Despite only meeting a few minutes ago things already seem to be taking a really bad turn into a fucking brick wall, First of all we have Have Cyclock and Morty who just disappeared, not the first time. What I worry the most is Finn and.... Finn.... "Pffft- your telling me you haven't killed all of those pathetic Princesses?" He said "THERE ARE MY FRIENDS! Why would I ever kill them! That's just cruel" "oh please.... They were nothing but just bitchy royals" He said and Finn snapped with "so are you!" and Ice Finn tried to kill him for the rest of the time. Morty walked by here in silence "Hey eyepatch where have you-" but he just kept walking, this was something normal for him the only problem is he would usually respond with "fuck off" or "shut up" I knew something was wrong but before I could even think what Dipper said "you know maybe we can try to team up with each other.... I know your not that bad" Bad is literally in our fucking name dip shit. 

 I just wanted to walk away from this pointless conversation that was having so when I noticed that Glitch Crown was missing I asked "hey where is Gamer?" "...I think I saw them go outside, maybe I could do look for them?" asked Beast Wirt. "Well I think they went to another room... they should be fine... so like I was saying-" oh my fucking god, this is why I hate literally every other version of me, not only is it lost potential but some of them like this one doesn't know when to- "shut the fuck up! ....oh I said that out loud? my bad, It's just that I tend to get pissed off when stupid people don't shut there mouths" damn that felt so good to say out loud. Before Dipper could say anything I just walked off and pulled the middle finger on him as I left, as I closed the door and laid back at the door to smoke I just heard the following conversation "that was a bit rude don't you think?" said Dipper "well think about it, he just came here and I don't think he will like us that much at first sight, plus he doesn't seem that friendly" I heard his Wirt say. Beast Wirt jumped into the conversation with "Bipper doesn't like many people in this... Multiverse? I'll just call it that.... He doesn't warm up to people like he use too.... before, things happened" Well... I hate to say it but he isn't fully wrong. I haven't warmed up to many people for the past year or so, I would say why but I'm not feeling it right now so maybe that moment will wait, for not... it will be hard to get along with these... good ends. 


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(Corrupted Gamer's POV) 

 Why did I walk off? Well I saw a bunny running by and now I'm fucking lost "....hello?" I said as I looked around, I know I should have turned back while I still can but.... something off and this was a feeling that I haven't before other than the time I was near that glitchy portal. Not exactly sure why but it didn't feel normal like if someone was calling my name, I kept walking till I heard something move and knowing horror movies I was definetly not alone at all. I looked around and soon saw a blue light in the distance and well I have been told to stay out of trouble but this didn't feel like trouble... it felt like... home? no no, I mean unless if it's a portal back to the Underworld it can't be home right? reguardless I walked towards it. I get out of the Bushes and soon see another Glitch portal "...holy shit..." I said, maybe this is the way back home! maybe, but I should probably go tell the others then. But right as I was about to walk off to tell the others I felt someone come out of the portal, I quickly turn around and the figure stepped out of the portal and to my surprise... I was left in pure shock.... and so was he... 


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(Cyclock's POV)

My head felt dizzy and as I tried to get my self back to stand I notice something glowing in the forest "ugh... this better not be another trick of Domino" I said, I mostly would not do this but I decided to go check it out anyways. I began walking towards it and as I came close I look to see Corrupted Gamer standing "...the hell?" I was confused, yes they are a bit weird but they looked very uncomfortable or even paralized. I began to rush over towards them and asked "CG! oh good your ok, what hap-" but then I see the problem and I was just in shocked as he was, but that shocked face turned into a smile... a sinister and untrusted smile and one that I'd never thought to see. He soon walked back into the portal, I was still confused but even so I was ready to leave till Gamer started following them "Gamer what are you doing?" but they were already in the portal. With no other choice and followed them inside only to come in to a broken world..... 

I looked up and down and was both surprised and amazed by this world, it looked familiar to me but even so That was nothing compared to gang in front of me... a Gang that seemed to be full of glitches, there ringleader who was the guy from before laughed and smiled at us both as we looked up to him and he said.... 

 "Welcome To The Internet, Cyclock... glad to see me again?"

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