❔⚠️🔪 A Tale of Fate⛓⚔️💣

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"When life gives you lemons, you get greedy and ask for more......you sacrifice the things you had and for what? Lemons? They aren't  that good....in my case I sacrifice it for power.....I got tired of being told what to do so I became my on authority.....but I still regret some of the things I did to achieve such a goal" -Gamer-Over

December 22, 3014XX......a month before the meeting... 

(Gamer-Over's POV) 

It was snowy and cold, and by the time I came back to the castle, I already made my decision 

"Fuck this snow! WTF this snow is insane!" A snow storm struck while I was out, what's worse, I was pretty far away from home and I honestly could have teleported back but something in guts told me to keep going the direction I was going. There was a faint purple  glow in the distance, I didn't know what it was but I follows it as I had no where else to follow. I took one more step into my fate....

When I arrived I found my self a little disappointed "a tiny purple shard? Really Gamer, Really?" I told my self at the scene. I kneeled down and picked it up, I scanned it "unidentified energy" Is what my program ran. "The fuck is that suppose to mean?" I tapped the shard and before you know it the purple turned into a green slowly, now I was really confused "ok???? Did I drink before this walk or is this cold getting to me." Hovering the shard on the palm of my hand I began studying it, I don't know what it was or what energy this had, but something about it felt....unhinged, unease, ....fascinated. As I was inspecting it a shiver went down my spine, thinking it was the cold I brushed it off, that is until I felt I wasn't alone. 

Quickly pocketing the shard I looked around carefully, a game of prey and predator had started, as the possible prey in the scenario I stood my guard up and fierce. It was hard to hear cause of the snow and I honestly could blame it for soon being tackled like a play fight. The figure launched it self to me when I was the most vulnerable, because of this we went tumbling down a nearby edge, I tried to get off it but they had a strong grip. We soon made it to the end where I threw them off me and into a nearby tree, I yelled "the hell is your probl-" I looked up and cut my self of as it was someone I wasn't expecting to meet up again..... 

"Hello, Gamer" 

"Hello, Gamer" 

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Holding a purple blade of sorts, it was my old friend Vex....once more 

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