⚖️🗡🪓Control Part 1: Insomnia And Grief ⚰️🧨💉

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"2 birds on a wire, one tries to fly away and the other....... 2 souls bound by fate, one tries to run away, and the other........2 Crown blood siblings, cursed by Time, one tries to break away , and other........ 1 king with a corrupted and tormented soul......and no one tries to leave, because there is no other" - ???

(Cyclock's POV) 

I couldn't sleep, I just couldn't, with the fact someone here is lurking to kill us off and the fact that domino has returned from the dead, all these thoughts drowned me, I felt as if I couldn't breath...I mean I don't breath at all but it's a feeling that isn't normal, something isn't right here. No matter what I tried I couldn't sleep, and it seems I wasn't the only one when I heard a knock on the door in the middle of the night as I was staring at the celling of my bedroom. With nothing better to do I stood up and went to open the door and to my surprise- "I know about you and Domino" 

 With nothing better to do I stood up and went to open the door and to my surprise- "I know about you and Domino" 

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It was of course Evil Morty Smith. 

I immediately shut the door, but before I could even walk away from the scene he knocked again "Bitch, open the door I need to talk to you" talk to me? In the middle of the night? What is he planning? "What do you want?" I asked. "If you open the door I Can explain" as much as I didn't want to spend another second talking to him, I had nothing better to do and sleeping is clearly not working for me....so I opened the door. He stood there once more "so, you know about Domino, no surprise there" I said sarcastically, but he only glared back as expected "you know what I'm talking about Cyclock" "wow! You actually call me by my name and not an insult!" I said as we both started to walk out into the hall quietly. I Can clearly see him rolling his eye at my joke "ha ha, very funny" I already started to feel uneasy, normally when I walk out at night here it was always when everyone was awake, like a gathering, or a party, ect. But here, it feels very liminal, claustrophobic, I felt as if I had a bad time breathing, my surroundings felt like a blur, losing its color like an old cartoon. I felt as if I was being watched from behinds, coming closer, and closer, and closer, and-

"Explain what happened back then" I was a bit startled by this question, due me being in my own little...zone for a while. "What do you mean?" He never specified, I was quite puzzled by his question. He looked at me "Back when we were with those good ends.....I saw Domino take your place, as you became a ghost...dead some might say" I stopped, how could he have been there? And why didn't he do anything about it!? "....what about that?" As much as I sounded calm in the moment, I was quite concern what was he doing back there. He never responded, and silence fell in once more. Despite Morty being here, I felt alone and uneased,  trapped in an endless cage of darkness, who knew the castle could feel this dead and lively at the same time. I looked in a mirror as we passed by and something in me stopped....it was my reflection, but it didn't feel right, I placed my hand on the mirror as if I could almost feel another presence on the other side. "C-Cyclock...?" I turned around.

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