⏰✔✴ DOMINO!? ❌⭕✳

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".... I should be dead, but I couldn't help my self, I knew there was something wrong with my death the moment I felt it.... my heart says to put my soul to rest from the pain, but my madness says to protect them, yes I sacrificed my self for them twice... but I'm willing to do it a third time for them, no matter the cost" - Mirror Domino(???) 

(Cyclock's POV) 

I started at the mirror is disbelieve, I backed away from it as I said "D-Domino... you... you are suppose to be-" "dead?" he said inturrepting me "....oh I wish, but no Cyclock.... I'm back from the dead with one purpose left for me" I frightened by what that purpose was. I came closer to the mirror as I asked "for what exactly?" and he laughed "Oh Cyclock, you know me... I'm your friend! but.... I somethings have to do terrible things to get what I want.... so forgive me for my future actions...." I was confused and scared. "What are you gonna do?" I asked and he smiled ".... Oh nothing.... I just need you to reach out in your pocket and pull the first item that you have" he said, of course he knew what I had.... I know it's been a while but sometimes I carried it as it was a reminder of when I first met him, yes it scares me and I try not to break it but I can't help my self. I reached out and pulled out the mirror... nearly broken but still in great condition "...I see you still have it.... now point it at me... if you trust me of course!" He asked, It didn't seem like much so I did it anyways, but then he was gone... I looked at the mirror I was holding and he was there. Didn't know he could travel through mirrors but I guess that's good to know "...so now what?" I asked scared to see the result as he started laughing at my question ".....this" he placed his hand on the mirror, which I was confused "...do you want me to... do the same?" but he didn't answer. 

 I placed my hand the same as his and that was biggest mistake I would have ever done...

(Evil Morty's POV) 

 I honestly couldn't stand to be in the same room as Morty, so while the others had a chat I went of looking for some place to smoke and not be bothered with at all. But that's when I noticed some shattered glass and an opened bathroom door, I checked inside and I didn't see anyone but a broken window, looks like who ever was in here snuck out the window. I climbed out of the window as I was quite curouis of this situation, I went out the window looking around but saw nothing but I heard a familiar voice. I hid behind a tree and saw a sight of pure disbelieve.... 

(Q The music-) 

Black Streak in my hair, but no Stress now!

Trade Off this guys lookin like a mess now!

Driving off the tracks but I'm back now! And I've seen hell but this is a bit more my style...



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