🔹◼️🔘 A Feathery Friend ⚫️🟦♦️

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 " Everyone makes mistakes......................were you expecting something happy? something to make you feel better about the wrongs and problems you have done and caused? .......stop living in a fucking fairy tale now.....yes.....I'm talking to you, the one reading this behind the screen....happy endings never will exist.....wishes won't come true.....dreams won't be real.....not while I'm here.....If I can't have my happy ending, why should others?" - ʎ+ɹ0W

(Beast Wirt's POV) 

 A pair of golden scissors dropped my hands and into the portal were a fell......back to the place where it started...

 I fall into a lake, already starting off with bad memories, and quickly swam up to the surface, picking up the scissors on the way. I breathed in and coughed out the water and tried to dry my self up as I got up from the ground. As I shacked my hair I said " Alright, let's just get this all over with....where is that damn bird?" I looked around, but only trees and dirt awaited me here, along with the odd quite sounds that was my surroundings. I began to walk through the path way silently, keeping my eyes out for my lantern, as I walked I looked up from the path to the sky...but only trees awaited me there, I felt the darkness sinking into my cold stiff skin. A breeze of wind flew by as tiny birds flew by, yet I still felt numb to this place like I did before "AY CROW! Where ever you are give me back my damn lantern!" I yelled out, but no sound other than wind. A cracking sound was heard as I was just about to turn back to where I came from, I looked around eyeing every tree. 

I could sense someone watching me....like a predator eyeing its a prey, manecingly. I heard a branch break and as I turned around-

 I heard a branch break and as I turned around-

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Well....I was in such a state of shock I completely  blackout, I couldn't remember A thing....it wasn't until later, when I was slowly opining my eyes up I knew something was wrong. I coughed up smoke as I stood up and looked around, then I saw him " .....ah look at who finally woke up....Wirt was it?" he said. I growled and rushed towards him but then a fire like wall in front of me blocking my way "awww did you seriously think it would be that easy tree head? no...it isn't" he said pulling out- "MY LANTERN!" I glared and growled at him as he walked around. "you act like an animal, for some one whos suppose to be The Lord of the unknown" he said swinging the lantern around "...What do you want with me?" I asked and he laughed like I was a joke "you think I want something from you?...don't you mean, what does my Lord H3nRy want from you?" he said.  I was silent.....but my voice fell in "...so your working for someone aren't you?" I said he smiled threw a bomb in the air as it exploded "RIGHT ON THE MONEY TREE HEAD!" he laughed. I was only getting more pissed by the minute "My lord sent me out here for a mission, unfournately I'm alone this time.... not with my trio... but then I found you and your stupid little lantern" he said "some ghost friends of yours came in and let's just say...they seemed unpleasant with you being here" shit...... please don't tell me he meant-

Mist surrounded me with the sound of laughing children, haunting me, soon one talked "well well well, look who came crawling back to the unknown after 2 years!" They were all just staring at me with vengeance in there eyes. I fucked up, real bad " hey listen guys we can talk about this..... I'm just here to end this and once I do, you and I will all be free! .....doesn't that sound lovely?" I nervously laughed as there angry faces stayed stiff and still like a statue. The glitch laughed "trying to trick them with your trust huh? haha, you really are a dumb fictional" I growled once more "who the hell do you think you are!?" he rolled his eyes " normally I wouldn't say a word but I guess since this is your end, you should probably know who caused this all" he glared as the sprits of children circled me, he turned around pulling out a bomb from his jacket "The name's ʎ+ɹ0W, The Dynamite Keeper....but you can call me your new problem" the bomb lit up....it was towards my direction and-

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