🔻⚫️🔳 A traitor ⬜️♠️⁉️

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"The Most deceptive Lies are the most truthful of all Honesty, why you may ask? What's the point of the truth, something that can cause you pain when you can leave a beautiful lie and let it stay that way....some secrets, are best stayed A secret" -??? 

(Cyclock's POV) 

The thought of someone working against us never crossed my mind ever, not even back as a villain it didn't. 

So to say I was shocked to see important information and files from us get in the hands of H3nRy some how is an understatement. Untrust was in the air, a disease to be spread, a toxic smoke floating, a parasite desperate for a host,  once you inhale it however...that's when the show starts. The room felt heavy with the constant eyes watching each other, and with the atmosphere being dense, so dense you can cut it with a knife like butter, and the room filled with constant whispers, the untrust spread. It doesn't help with the fact it was crowded with pest, new hosts for this parasite to have soon.  The constant talking took over the room as I sat back trying to avoid it, I didn't want to add more fuel to this flame, not anymore. Our information was leaked....papers were scattered in his office, some even stolen or missing. No fingerprints, some footprints, and scratches....It was a shock to us all, for sure. Who could have done this? What motivated them to commit such an act? To stick a knife behind our backs and even attempt to put the blame on someone other than them selfs? These are questions we all asked our selfs, and because we were a big group we all questioned our trust on each other, family, friends, all. Trust was lost and now it feels like Everyone's eyes are on you, watching, all the time, walking for your misstep so you can take the weight of the betrayal, but the one that suffers the most is the ringleader, the one who is made to solve who it is, to a point who it was, the one to give orders, the one to give hope, the one to give trust. Yet he has so little of it, to the point where the leader might go down with us. Is there no true happy ending for us?

Everyone important you can think of is here in this spacious room, waiting for our dear old Prince to make his announcements, his warning calls. I don't talk much, there were a lot of people I didn't recognize and clearly a lot of the people here didn't like each other, what was Bipper thinking? I only looked around only to then be jump scared by my counterpart "well, looks like we meet again Cyclock" he said, I jumped a little as I turned around. "Y-you- what are yo-" I couldn't make up the words for a reaction, but he cut me off anyways "just like everyone else is here for, to figure out what the fuck is going on with the multiverse, the other day the systems were hacked by some...thing" I slowly started to realize who that might be, was it really the guy me and Gamer met? How can I know for sure. I sighed "well I mean I'm glad your here but-" once again, he cuts me off "listen I don't care what happens, but after last time I'm not gonna let my guard down, I don't trust you or what your little rag tag team of 'bad ends' are capable off" he growled and glared with his one red eye "so how about  you-" "Clocky!" Someone called as we both turned, it was Rozezalian. "Clockwork quit threatening the bear and come over here, the other villains are waiting" he said, Clockwork glared one more time and sighed "saved by the snake" he started to walk away, but still glared back, I was left unsafe yet alive once again. 


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