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 " Power, is like a cake..... if you put the wrong ingredients in, it will taste bitter..... and it also would be a shitty cake, especially if you burn it along with the entire kitchen..... Bad end friends in a Nutshell Folks" - Evil Morty 

(Bipper's POV)

 "....how are you- why... how is this-" I had so many questions at this moment... by I doubt even one of them will be answered "....oh Bipper, my dear best friend..... are you really this shocked to see me again? Or are you confused of why I'm here? ...maybe your afraid perhaps?" Then I remember, I knew exactly what this was, but that didn't answer my questions. I looked at him a bit pissed "You've been a ghost for the past 2 years....and now you appear? Why!? Why now after so long! I honestly thought you just left!" He laughed a little. "Bipper, I have been around... I just haven't showed my self yet.... Because there wasn't anything important to do....." "and now there is?" I asked as he nodded, he was here for something...but what? "Well whatever it is you need I would like to know why are you talking to me then" "Glad you asked Bip!" He later back at my desk and started to explain him self. 

"You see I am of course a former time traveler Bipper, you would know that

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"You see I am of course a former time traveler Bipper, you would know that.....however while I may not be one anymore that doesn't mean the things I saw as a time traveler aren't true or becoming real..." he said. I started to get confused and a bit scared as he kept explaining "....I have seen things probably none of you have seen..... and trust me, there a dark path that we shouldn't go through..... So I Want you to hear me out Bipper" he pulled me aside by the shoulders. He took a deep breath and said "I'm gonna need you to train Cyclock, make sure he gets powerful enough to unlock his true potential... and that goes for the rest of you... but mostly Cyclock" I shook my head "what? why??? and how the hell do you expect me to do that!?" I asked him. "I don't know whatever kind of training that gets him stronger... your the Leader let alone a prince... you must know" I didn't like the words he said, it put pressure on me and one that it felt like I was expected to do "look Domino.... I don't get why you would entrust me on this... but I can only try" He looked at me with a smirk "then try you must Cipher..." he seemed as he was about to leave but I yelled "Wait!" he turned back around. The moment felt silent till I said " ...... are you gonna come back?" He just stood there in silence, not making a movement "......it was nice seeing you too Bipper" and he just faded away, with no answer, I didn't know what to do. Domino depended on me... yet I couldn't feel like I could trust him... I didn't understand why, still I had to do something... and had to figure who or what was coming for us... could it be.... them? 

~*~ A Week Later ~*~

(Corrupted Gamer's POV)

 Blowing out a puff of static smoke, coming out green-ish, I've been feeling down lately.... I had some mixed thoughts and feelings, never showed nor talked about them. "you ok Master?" said Robby from on top of my head, a little gift given from a sibling of mine, I forced a smile "yeah I'm fine... just mixed thoughts...." I threw the cigarette away and walked off. I head back to my room to see a tiny key board...I think, I have no idea what it is, I walked towards it and grabbed it "hmmm what is this? ....do you know Robby?....Robby?" he was missing from my head, which I thought it was weird but didn't question it. I noticed there was a button on it so I clicked it and a virtual screen popped up, spelling out a message that reads the following: 

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