🪓🧨🗡what it takes to be A... Part 1: Villain 🔳🔹🕯

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 " Zim Sucks................ok fine, bla bla bla sentimental shit bla bla bla cause chaos bla bla bla communism, ok am I done here?" - Tord 

(Clockwork's POV) 

Finally, he was gone... but knowing how things are this might not be the last time I see him... 

This is the thought that stuck to me throughout the past few weeks, laying in bed starting at the celling thinking about if this statement of mine was true or not. Regardless of this I didn't let it get in the way in my villain plans, and the ones I have for today must be done well or else I will be back to square one again if these idiots fuck it up again. I stood up from my bed and walked over outside of my room and head down stairs, waiting for me was just the usual: chaos, fires, explosions, and yelling " ZIM GET YOUR ASS UP HERE AND FIX THE GOD DAMN LIGHTS!!!" ....swearing is a lot more common here since most of us are pissed at each other half the time. 


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 As I got ready and headed down stairs I couldn't help but see blood stains on the floor which was normal but it was..... green? I don't know, I wouldn't question it. I stretched my self a bit and headed over to the death room table where everyone was at "let me guess one of you fucked up last night and Black Hat is mad about it" I said, judging by the awkward silence of gamer and Lucifer.... I can tell who did it right away. I rolled my eyes and went over at the kitchen table and I felt this soft blob jump onto my head....then I realized it was Bill and The Beast's parasitic offspring on my head, chewing on my hair. I growled getting them off my head "where the hell are you parents bitch?" I asked thinking this dumbass will speak and say 'over there' or something. 

 While still carrying Vile, I headed over the weapons room in hopes of something to do to start of this day and forget what has happened weeks ago but then I meet up with Bill and Zim....arguing. "Listen I'm just saying, weapons are good yes but-" he lights his hand on fire "-sometimes powers are more useful in battle, they can't break as easily like those silly toys of yours" said the triangular demon, looking down at the possum like it's prey. Zim growled "Gadgets! not toys Cipher, and I'll have you know Zim is the best inventor here in the multiverse and his weapons could destroy all of humanity and your powers!" he cried out, Bill's eyes glowed red as the fire from his hands turned red. "Is That a challenge?" he glared at him as he smiled sinisterly "of course bitc-" "hey Bill" I said interrupting them as I handed over Vile "I believe this is yours" I said, his eyes glowed and he hugged his child saying "My baby! aww hows my little sappling doing?" he booped the baby's nose which admittedly was kind of cute but didn't care much and dragged Zim out of the room. 

"Clockwork What the fuck!?" he yelled as I pulled him by his antenna and soon dropped him "listen I unfortunately have to keep you alive today since I'm meeting up with a hellish friend of mine" I said. He seemed very pissed but calmed down only slightly well you just annoying as hell" "nah hell is more fun and less angry than you" I said as I placed my shoulder on his head  on purpose. 

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