Chapter 14- Just Lemme Take Care Of You.....

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Juliet age 21

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Juliet age 21

Brandon age 22

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Brandon age 22

2 years later.....

Before I could turn my back, two whole years flew by like a flash. Luna and Jaden had just turned 3, and Braylin is now two years old and is attached to Julie like a leech like the twins. We have been talking about getting married for the past two years and I feel like we're ready....

In Brandon and Juliet's room....

In the morning...

Brandon: *wake up and looks at her still asleep**shakes her awake*

Juliet: *groan tiredly* leave me alone...

Brandon: *sighs**baby voice**teasing* my baby girl in a bad mood this morning....?

Juliet: no.....

Brandon: really....*sighs* come er......*moves her to the other side and picks her up and rocks her gently*

Juliet: *chuckles* what'er you doing? 

Brandon: just lemme take care of seem off....

Juliet: *nods her head* I just don't feel good today....kinda blah.....

Brandon: oh I see....I'm there anything I can do to help....?

Juliet: you can just love on me.....that's all I need.....

Brandon: got you wanna go get some breakfast?

Juliet: yea....I am kinda hungry....

 Brandon: ok...c'mon...


Brandon: hey mama...!

Ellie: hey sweetie pie *hugs him* oh hey, there's my future daughter in law.... *hugs her* hey is she ok angel, her eyes look she's not the same....

Brandon: yea she's ok...she just doesn't feel that great today...*rubs her rib*

Ellie: oh I'm sorry hun....can I get you anything?

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