The Force // Chapter 4- Juliana Taylor and Briella Ryan

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8 months later....6:30

Juliet: *wakes up and gasps* oh my god...*rushes to the bathroom*

Brandon: *gets out of bed in a hurry* baby? what happened?

Juliet: I think my water just broke....

Brandon: you're kidding! oh um ok...I'll go get the bag and you get dressed..

Juliet: ok...

*10 minutes later*

Juliet: *pulls out her straighter and plugs it in**leans on the counter*

Brandon: *laughs* what are you doin' are you doin' your hair...?

Juliet: yea I am....I'm straightening my hair and I'm taking my time!

Brandon: do you feel the contractions?

Juliet: um yea and they hurt!

Brandon: we're supposed to be counting them....

Juliet: *laughs hard* I did time them...

Brandon: ok and....

Juliet: there like a couple minutes apart...

Brandon: *joking* a couple minutes....?

Juliet: yea...I that when we're supposed to go?

Brandon: *walks out* oh boy....

Juliet: *laughs hard* do you have the bag ready?

Brandon: well yea....

Juliet: ok....*pants in pain*

Lina walks in

Lina: what's happening in here?

Brandon: she just went into labor....

Lina: what?! oh my god!

Juliet: yea...and it hurts so bad....

Lina: I know sis I know....

Brandon: who's gonna go with us to the hospital?

Juliet: my mom, you...and Lina....

Lina: well come on sis we need to go before you deliver on the floor...

Juliet: I know...

At the hospital

Juliet: *sighs* Is it weird seeing me in a hospital?

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Juliet: *sighs* Is it weird seeing me in a hospital?

Brandon: yes and I hate it....

Juliet: *laughs*

Brandon: how're you feelin'?

Juliet: pain...*chuckles*

Lina: I hear you...

Jessica: I think you'll have these babies within the next 5 hours....

Brandon: yea...she's about 7 centimeters.....

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