Chapter 8 Ambush

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                                                                                  3 weeks later

In Brandon and Juliet's room

Juliet: mmm...*yawns and sits up and looks around the room* *funny* Brandon? Where'd you go you sneaky little bastard? *Giggles*


Brandon: is everything ready guys?

Ellie: I think so...

Brandon: ok I think she's awake...

Ellie: get ready everyone...

Brandon: you know what to do guys...

Alex: *confused* so, what're we doing again?

Brandon: *annoyed* last time Alex...okay so, a few weeks ago Julie told me she wanted to continue our training here on Calhun. So, I told Luke and he's coming here with all of our training stuff so we can all continue our training. And with everything going on I just want to surprise her. That why the poster says "surprise...future Jedi on Calhun"

Alex: oh, I get it now...

Mona: *whispers Annoyedly* took like ten times...

Alex: I heard that!

Mona: just shut it Alex!

Brandon: Do you mind not arguing so I can bring her downstairs please.

Mona: oh...sorry Brandon...didn't realize you were still here *laughs*

Brandon: Don't worry about it Mona now let me bring her downstairs...

Shawn: ok.

Juliet POV

Juliet: ugh...! where are you Brady!

Brandon: *Unlocks the door and walks in* ah, there's my beautiful angel *laughs*

Juliet: *worried* Tiger, seriously! You had me worried sick...*runs to hug him* I thought something bad happened to you.

Brandon: I'm alright...*chuckles*

Juliet: please don't ever do that again.

Brandon: Who knows...maybe I will...

Juliet: *backs up* *angry* Why you...scruffy looking...half-witted...Nerfhearder!!

Brandon: who're you callin' "scruffy lookin'"?

Juliet: you, you little jerk!!

Brandon: oh, it's on baby doll! *Picks her up and spins her fast*

Juliet: Brandon, stop I'm gonna puke! *gags*

Brandon: ok fine...*puts her down*

Juliet: *apologetic* thanks...and sorry about earlier, I just get nervous when I'm alone.

Brandon: don't worry about it...

Juliet: but my question is why'd you lock me in here?

Brandon: well...I have a surprise for you...

Juliet: what's with you and these damn surprises...? *giggles*

Brandon: I think this is one you're really going to like?

Juliet: oh yeah, how so? *laughs*

Brandon: oh, I think you will. trust me...

Juliet: ok if you say so...

Brandon: ok now come on...

Juliet: I'm guessing I must close, my eyes?

Brandon: Actually, you don't have to this time.

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