Chapter 1 The Mystery Apprentice

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                                                      In Brandon's room

Brandon's Dream:

???: who are you?

Brandon: who are you? why do I keep seeing you in my dreams?

???: the force is some how connecting us...can you see my surroundings? I can't see yours...?

Brandon: I felt your presents, who are you? the force is strong with have Jedi blood....

???: Brandon?

Brandon: *wait* how do you know my name...

???: *disappears*

Brandon: wait don't go...please tell me who you are! 

???: *shakes him* Brandon, wake up! you're dreaming!

Brandon: *opens his eyes and looks around confused* oh just a dream...*shakes his head*

Alex: hey, you awake? time for training sleepy head!

Brandon: *stretches* yea yea, I'm good, just had another dream of the voice, that girl...

Alex: again, that's like the 3rd time this week, maybe we better tell mater Luke if it keeps happening?

Brandon: nah, I'm sure It's nothing, I'm not worried about it, I've had those before...

Alex: alright, let's just get ready for training, don't wanna be late...

Brandon: alright...*gets out if bed and walks to his bathroom* so how'er you and Chloe?

Alex: *changes his clothes* oh we're good same old same old ya know....we argue, then we love each other...and on and off....*chuckles*

Brandon: that's great....I'm still waiting....*puts his pants on*

Alex: *walks in* awe, your time will come man, just give it some'll happen eventually...

Brandon: *puts his shirt on* yea I know I just hate waiting....*combs his hair back*

Alex: yea that's the worst part....but it's worth how's your sister?

Brandon: good as far as I know I haven't talked to her in a few weeks but last time I checked she was good. 

Alex: oh that's great, you ready to go?

Brandon: yea let's go...

(At the training arena  1 hour later)

Luke: you're doing great Brady! Just remember to reach out with your mind...

Brandon: got it! *Swings his saber at the remote to block the blasts*

Luke: you think you're ready to do combat with your friends...?

Brandon: *puts his saber down then looks at Alex*

Alex: oh, I think he is!

Brandon: *force pulls his saber to him and ignites it* ok Alex, come at me!

Alex: show me what you got brady...

Brandon: you asked for it.

Alex: *war cries* *Swings his saber*

Brandon: *blocks* hmm...nice try...

Mona: hey Brady...? *swings her saber*

Brandon: *knocks her down with his foot* oops...*laughs like he did it on purpose*

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