Chapter 10 Christmas Traditions

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 Rose POV

In our family we always decorate the castle a few days before Christmas...I don't know why but we do...but aside from that we always dance to Christmas music and drink eggnog and hot's just our tradition and now that Brandon's home for the first time in 8 years it'll be even more fun, and he also has I know this'll be the best Christmas ever...

Juliet: d'amore?! Come help me put the tree up and put the ornament's on here...

Brandon: here short stuff lemme help you...! *puts the middle part of the tree on the base*

Juliet: I'm not short you little ding bat!

Brandon: whatever you say baby doll...

Juliet: *rolls her eyes* Can we get a ladder over here!?

Caden: sure, thing Julie...! *Hands her a ladder*

Juliet: *takes the ladder from Caden* thanks, Caden...!

Caden: of course!

Brandon: *takes the ladder from her and sets it up* ok when I get to the top hand me the top of the tree...! *climbs the ladder to the top*

Juliet: top of the tree coming up! *climbs the ladder mid-way and hands him the top of the tree then climbs down*

Brandon: *takes the top of the tree and puts it on the tree* all set! *Climbs down the ladder*

Juliet: good work hot stuff!

Brandon: thanks baby we can put the ornaments on the tree...!

Juliet: that's the best part!

Brandon: indeed! And it's even more fun with you...*kisses her*

Juliet: hey after we're done decorating, want to sing a song with me?

Brandon: sounds let's put the ornaments on the tree....

Juliet: ok! *grabs one from the box* ooo, look at this one! It's lightsaber with glitter! *puts it on a branch*

Brandon: you're so cute, you know that right...? *chuckles*

Juliet: *blushes* you think I'm cute?

Brandon: very...*kisses her* now come on let's decorate this tree!

Juliet: with pleasure...

About 3 hours later we finally finished decorating the castle...all of the castle has a ton of red, white, green, and gold and abundances of lights...however the living room is my favorite part...The Christmas tree has an abundance of gold ribbon, White lights, and red ornaments, and you can see it through the windows. the mantle has a garland on it with fake fruit that Julie and I made and there's a mirror that has some more Garland on it that hand above the fireplace, and it has some lights in it as well. it looks amazing.

Brandon: and done...*sighs in relief*

Juliet: wow it's so beautiful!

Brandon: I know! I couldn't have done it without you...*kisses her*

Juliet: what's your favorite part...?

Brandon: I think my favorite part is the tree that you and I decorated...

Juliet: same what do you say about singing some Christmas songs with me...?

Brandon: sure, that sounds fun...

Juliet: I have one in particular that I wanna to sing to you...

Brandon: ok...go for it... *takes a step back and smiles at her* show me whatcha got baby...

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