Chapter 2 Rough Start But....... She Can't Help It.....

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              The next morning

Brandon: what's up!!!

Mona: hey!

All: morning Brady!

Alex: someone's in a good mood. *laughs*

Brandon: what do you mean...I'm the same as always... *blushes*

*Luke walks in to tell them they are coming*

Luke: everyone I would like you to meet my niece's, Julie, and Emma...come in guys...don't be shy...

*Behind the door*

Julie: *takes a deep breath* come on Em, don't be nervous. I'm sure it'll be fine....

Emma: if you say so sis...

Julie: I know come on *smiles**walks in with Emma**shy/happy* um...hi everyone as you may or may not know I'm Juliet, and this is my little sister Emma, but you can call me Julie or Jules and you can call her Em...

Owen: greetings!

Alex: hey!

Bryson: hey guys!

Mona: nice to meet you girls!

Chloe: hey girls...!

Joslyn: hey Jules!

Juliet: oh, hello you are?

Joslyn: oh, I'm Joslyn Howard, but you can call me Josie or Lyn,

Juliet: oh, it's wonderful to meet you...

Brandon: *takes a deep breath**nervous*...hi Jules I'm Brandon Kenobi and these are my friends. *offers her a handshake*mind* holy smokes...she's...beautiful

Juliet: *turns around then blushes and shakes his hand* hi Brandon it's nice to meet you. *mind* cheese and sprinkles is he gorgeous.

Brandon: nice to meet you guys too. Oh, here I have something for you that might help you in training or combat battle. *hands her and Emma a box*

Emma/Juliet: oh, thank you! *opens it* Oh, my Gosh it's a lightsaber. Thank you! *hugs him*

Brandon: they were my brothers when he trained with my grandfather Obi Wan Kenobi.

Juliet: really? What color are they?

Emma: yea! *mind* she totally likes Brandon...

Brandon: well, ignite them and see.

Juliet: ok *ignites it* oh my gosh it's my favorite color!!! I love purple, thank you so much *hugs him*

Emma: here, let me see what color mine is. *ignites it* it's a yellow one! Thank you, Brandon I love it's my favorite color!

Brandon: *smiles*

Juliet: *waves it around* may the force be with us! *looks at him serious*

Brandon: nice...*chuckles softly*

Juliet: *laughs* watch this...*twirls her lightsaber between her fingers*

Brandon: *silly* whoa! You better be careful with that thing...I don't want a hurt princess on my watch! *laughs*

Juliet: oh, stop it you! I know what I am doing! I have Jedi blood...! I know how to use this thing! I think... *laughs*  


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