The Force // Chapter 3- All Hands On Deck.....

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Brandon: *takes a sip out of his cup then puts it down*

Ellie: *looks up at Brandon* hey hun, are you ok?

Brandon: yea.... *sniffles* I'm fine....

Ellie: sweetie pie what is it? You and Juliet have been despondent all morning....

Brandon: *sighs* now isn't a good time....

Ellie: love tell me what's troubling you....

Brandon: *mad* *slams his hands down* mamai, I said I'm fine!!!!

Shawn: watch your mouth not speak to your mother that way...

Brandon: *mad* oh please! I'm an adult and married and about to be a daddy! Don't tell me what to do father...!

Shawn: I will not tolerate this nonsense...!

Brandon: *mad* what are you going to do hit me is all you got?

Shawn: *gets up and stomps over* *mad Irish* NÁ tástáil mo bhuachaill foighne beag beidh mé a leagan amach tú amach ar an urlár, cuimhin leat a bhfuil tú ag caint le ....! (do NOT test my patience little boy I will lay you out on this floor, you remember who you're talking to....! )

Brandon: (**** off) Imigh leat...

Shawn: *slaps him really hard so he bleeds*

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All: *gasp*

Brandon: *grabs his face* oww! (what the hell dad) cad é an daidí ifreann!!!

Shawn: *backs up* oh you're gonna cry now?

Brandon: *sniffles* I know you're mad at me but....damn...

Ellie: *serious* Shawn, that was not necessary...what is wrong with you!

Shawn: you've babied that boy his whole life and look where that got him!

Ellie: pardon me....don't make me hurt you A chailleach!

Shawn: *mad* oh please....what are you gonna do?

Ellie: *slaps him hard*

Shawn: what the hell Eleanor Jade Organa!

Ellie: why are you calling me by my main name you two faced jerk....why would you say that to him?! he loves you....

Shawn: that's no son of mine...I did not raise him to speak to me like that...!

Ellie: Shawn Preston Kenobi! how dare you say that about him...he's your youngest son....

Juliet: *stern/calm* Brandon.... come with me.... now...! *grabs his hand*

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