Chapter 9 Welcome To The Family

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 3 days before Christmas eve "December 21st" Roses due date

Before we knew it 5 months had flown by...the holidays are here, and Julie is healing normally and is almost back to her old self. My wounds had healed completely but I still have a scar on my forehead and she still has some nightmares about her attack, but they are slowly starting to fade away and her wounds have healed. She has one big scar on her back that'll probably never go away, and her stomach has a scar as well...But, my friends and I are still continuing to train with Luke every day and are growing stronger. Rose is due any day now and I'm so excited to be an uncle...and as I rise out of bed with my arms around Julie I see her waking up too and I say...

Brandon: *yawns* good mornin' baby doll...Merry Christmas *kisses her*

Juliet: *tired* good morning toodle bear...Merry Christmas to you too *holds him close*

Brandon: *blushes* how'd you know that nickname?

Juliet: I heard your dad call you it a few times when I was healing...

Brandon: *embarrassed* oh's really embarrassing though...

Juliet: *sweet* no it's's really cute...and sweet....

Brandon: you think so?

Juliet: yea...

Brandon: do you wanna go join the others for breakfast in the dining room?

Juliet: sure, just lemme fix my hair and get dressed.

Brandon: sure...I should do that too...

Juliet: ok, I'll be right out!

Rose and Caden POV

In the bathroom

Rose: *pain* ow...mmm...contraction...*takes a deep breath and leans on the counter*

Caden: *concerned* you ok love?

Rose: *pain* yea...ow!

Caden: do you want me to call the doctor? You've been havin' contractions all sure you're ok?

Rose: *exhales*'s all good...

Caden: ok...if you have any more...let me're due any day now...

Rose: I know baby I'm fine...just relax or you'll start to get grey hair...*laughs*

Caden: ok, ok! *kisses her* now let's go downstairs...

Rose: *excited* with pleasure...

Brandon POV

45 minutes later

Brandon: baby? Are you done yet!?

Juliet: almost...!

Brandon: ah! Hurry up! You've been in there forever. *laughs**walks into the bathroom*

Brandon POV

I walked in the bathroom on Julie and I'm blown away of how gorgeous she looks... she's dressed in a festive holiday outfit...her shirt's a red crop top with long sleeves and a white Reindeer and red bow on the ear, and you can see her little abs on her stomach with the very faint bruise and light pink and white scar that's still there from her attack. Her, skinny jeans are a dark denim that's rubbed. Her long medium blonde hair's in a wavy half up half down updo, with two little Rudolph barrettes in her ponytail elastic. And she has a black bow choker with our initials in a heart charm that's attached to the choker in the middle of the bow that I made her for our 4th month anniversary. She has a pair of gold hoop earrings and Her makeup is a natural look, but her eyeshadow's a red and gold smoky eye. And her shoes are black and red leather combat boots, and she has a belt with her lightsaber on it. She looks absolutely perfect.

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