Chapter 7 The Intruder

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                                                                            *Back at the house*

*Brandon and Juliet had changed into their pajamas and where now talking in bed*

Brandon: I had a lot of fun today...

Juliet: me too...*kisses him*

Brandon: mmm...*chuckles*

*loud gun shot goes off*

Brandon: *turns to look out of the doorway from the bed**nervous* what in the hell was that?!

Juliet: *scared* I think it was a blaster or something.... *breathes heavily*

Brandon: *consoling* hey it's take my hand and don't let go...

Juliet: *takes his hand* what if it's the empire?

Brandon: don't worry baby doll, it's all gonna be alright... just try to relax...*rubs her back to comfort her*

Juliet: *hugs him*

In the entry way

Brandon: *concerned* mama...what's going on?

Ellie: I don't know Brady... we think someone broke in and fired a shot...

Emma: what do we do?

Dylan: I have no idea but, I think we should all stay in one room tonight. So that way we are less vulnerable, Em you stay with me.

Emma: *worried* ok I trust you *hugs him*

Shawn: follow me there's a room where we can go to...they won't find us there

Brandon: oh, know where that is! Come on guys...*runs with Julie hand in hand*

Rose: *concerned* Caden, I'm nervous this could put our baby at risk...

Caden: *caring* I know Rosa, we'll do whatever it takes to keep you and the baby safe *kisses her*

Rose: thanks cade... *Hugs him*

Lexi: don't worry Rose...

Lina: what if this hurts the baby...

Lexi: relax come on...

*In the secret room*

Brandon: *walks in with Julie hand in hand*

Juliet: *amazed* wow this room is huge!

Brandon: yea I know I used to come here to meditate...

Juliet: it's so cool!

Brandon: yep...and you haven't even seen the best part...

Juliet: what is it?

Brandon: look behind you...

Juliet: *amazed* cheese and sprinkles...

Juliet POV

As I look behind me, I see a picture of the galaxy. It is so beautiful; it has a mixture of Blues, purples, and pinks. The stars look like fine glitter. I Have never seen anything more beautiful in my life.

Juliet: it's beautiful...

Brandon: yes, it is...

Juliet: what do you think that was?

Brandon: *curious* dad is it safe to go back out? I haven't heard anything since the shot was fired...

Shawn: I think so lemme go check...

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