The Force // Chapter 3- Bun In The Oven.....

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2 months later

In bed at 9:30 am

Juliet: *coughs**gags* oh bloody hell...not again....

Brandon: *concerned* love?

Juliet: *runs in the bathroom while clutching onto her stomach*

In the Bathroom

Juliet: *throws up in the sink* ugh...god.... *sits own on the floor*

Brandon: *knocks on the door lightly* hey, you ok in there Jules...?

Juliet: yea, I'm ok...just go back to bed...I'll be fine....

Brandon: ok....

I get up from the floor and I rinse the vomit out from the sink...then I start to wonder...."am I late" I check under the sink and see my tampons are still there..." yep, I'm definitely late...." I begin to think about when my last period was, then I realize that it was 1 month ago in September, I begin to think, "could I be pregnant"? my mind is racing, I open the bathroom drawer and take out a test. Then I take the test and wait for about 5 minutes....

5 minutes later

Juliet: *gets up and looks over at the counter* oh my god.... *cries of joy quietly**takes it from the counter*

I just took the test and it's positive and judging by my bump I would say I'm about 6-7 weeks and it says 2+, I mean I know we were trying to have a baby, but I didn't know it would be so soon. "oh my god I'm gonna be a mummy...." I said to myself... I quickly hid the test in my in the bathroom where he wouldn't find it...I walk back out into the bedroom with a worried looking Brady....

Brandon: hey you.... you ok baby look like a kid on Christmas morning who got what they where wishing for.... is everything ok....

Juliet: yea.... yea...I'm great *giggles* was just a stomach bug, must've been something I ate...

Brandon: Julie.... I know you're hiding something from me...Tell me my beloved....

Juliet: Brandon.... *sits down on the bed next to him and takes his hand* nothing is wrong...ok...*kisses him*

Brandon: ok if you say so....

Juliet: *crawls back in bed and snuggles up to him*

2 weeks later

Brandon: ok now I know you're hiding something for me, you haven't said a word to me all day....

Juliet: I'm not hiding anything from you darling, I don't know where you're getting these absurd stories from....

Brandon: they're not stories, they're facts, I know you...please tell me what's going on....

Juliet: *mad* nothing is going on...I really don't like these accusations....

Brandon: and I really don't like being lied to....

Juliet: ok look, I have a big surprise planned for you and your family....and I didn't want to spoil it because you were the one who I was most excited about surprising....

Brandon: ah you have been keeping secrets....

Juliet: I wouldn't say "secrets" more or so "secret" ....

Brandon: just tell me my love, what is going on.... you're really worrying me....

Juliet: it's nothing bad...just come downstairs so I can tell everyone...

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