Chapter 4 Sibling Reunion

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The next morning

Brandon: good morning Julie. *wakes up with his arms around her*

Juliet: *looks up at him* morning Brady...

Brandon: you're so hot in the morning

Juliet: you're very handsome in the morning...

Brandon: oh, I don't know about that...

Both: *blush*

Juliet: *nervous* hey I have to tell you something...

Brandon: what is it beautiful? What's got you all worked up lovey? *ruffles her hair*

Juliet: I...I... love you...

Brandon: *shocked* wha...what took you so long...!? I love you too...

Juliet: *shocked* you do?!

Brandon: yes!

Both: *kiss each other passionately*

Brandon's phone rings

on the phone

??? and ???: 

Brandon: *surprised* hold on one sec baby...*answers the phone* hello?

??? and ???: Hola hermosa

Brandon: Lina, Caden?! Is that you?

Rose and Caden: yes, it is! hey Brady!

Brandon: oh, hey ya'll! Here let me put you guys on FT. oh here we go. *Smiles*

Rose: *curious* oh, who's that?

Brandon: well, I've got to tell you some tea...

Rose: *excited* what is it? Spill the tea bro! *laughs*

Brandon: I think we should tell them right baby doll?

Rose: baby doll!?

Caden: what the hell is goin' on Brandon?!

Brandon: so...I found someone that I'm truly in love with.

Both: what!!!

Rose: *excited* ooh!! Who is it?

Brandon: well, she's right here. *puts the phone lower so they can see her* Say hi Juliet!

Juliet: hey guys! *waves at the phone*

Both: aww...

Rose: So... when did this happen?

Brandon: about a day and a half ago *kisses Julie's forehead*

Caden: well congratulations lovebirds.

Both: thanks!

Brandon: so... sis what're you gonna to tell us?

Rose: well...Cade, should I tell them?

Caden: oh yea...

Rose: ok ready Caden?

Caden: *excited* yes!

Rose: ok. *smiles and shows them a shirt that says soon to be an uncle due Dec 21st*

Brandon: *shocked* wait...who's gonna be an uncle?

Rose: are you really confused?

Brandon: I mean a some one pregnant?

Rose: well yes but do you wonder who is gonna be an uncle?

Brandon: I mean I'm not an uncle but...wait! Oh my god! Am I? are you pregnant?!

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