Chapter 5 The Voice Inside Her Head

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Juliet: *yawns**wakes up and looks over at Brandon* baby...? Are you awake?

Brandon: *yawns* yea...I am now...*kisses her*

Juliet: *giggles* what do you wanna do now that we're awake?

Brandon: I actually have something in mind...

Juliet: what is it?

Brandon: so, I don't know if you know this but, I play the piano...

Juliet: really? That's cool.

Brandon: we have an auditorium if you wanna go there...

Juliet: sure, that sounds fun...and I also have a few little talents that I wanna show you...

Brandon: ok, let's go...we still have some time before dinner...

Juliet: ok...lead the way...

In the auditorium

Juliet: wow, this is huge! And echoey! Echo! *X3. *

Brandon: *chuckles* how about I show you my pianist skills?

Juliet: ok...

Brandon: *walks to the piano**takes deep breath**starts playing a contemporary/romantic/ beautiful solo*

Juliet: *shocked* holy cannoli...

Juliet POV

As Brandon plays the piano, he makes it look so easy. His hands glide on the keys and it plays in perfect harmony and unison. I think the song that he's playing is a freehand, but who know I know that he's talented at everything he does...

Brandon: *smiles at her and continues playing*

5 minutes later

Juliet: wow, that was really good babe.

Brandon: wanna show me your talent now?

Juliet: sure...! *walks onto the stage*

Brandon: whatcha gonna do baby?

Juliet: you'll see...*taps on the microphone and clears her throat**takes a deep breath**singing* comes, I'll be on my own feelin' frightened of...the things that I don't know...

Brandon: *shocked* holy smokes...where did that come from...

Juliet: *smiles**singing* when tomorrow comes...when tomorrow comes.... when tomorrow comes...when tomorrow comes...although the road is long, I look up to the sky...throw the song...feel like I won't fly... And I sing along, I sing along, And I sing along...*walks around the stage with the microphone while dancing a little* I got all I need when I got you tonight...I look around me I see a sweet life... you're gettin' me, getting' through the night...kick start my heart when you shine it in my eyes Can't lie, it's a sweet life! I'm stuck in the dark but you're my flashlight You're getting me, getting me through the night! Cause you're my flashlight (flashlight)You're my flashlight (flashlight) You're my flashlight...! *powerful* I got all I need when I got you and I...! I look around me and see a sweet life! I'm stuck in the dark but you're my flashlight...! You're getting me, getting me through the night...! I see the shadows long beneath the mountain top I'm not afraid when the rain won't stop...Because you light the way...You light the way; you light the way...! *pauses in fear and gets a worried look**mind* your destiny is with the the end of the day...there's no other choice but to face your fate...*speaking**panicked* no! no! no! no! stop! I won't give in to you! *breathes heavily**falls the ground*

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