Chapter 3 The Lullaby

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1 hour later

Juliet: *yawns* I'm going to go to our room...*hugs him**play the music now*

Brandon: ok night baby. *Kisses her*

2 hours later

Brandon: *laughs* you tell her Ali!

Juliet from there room: *screams in fear* STOP!

Brandon: *concerned* Julie?

Joslyn: *worried* was that Juliet?

Brandon: yea I think so...I'm goin' to my room guys see you tomorrow

Emma: ok, make sure she's ok...

Brandon: yea of course.... night guys!

Brandon walks in and runs over to Julie because she is having a nightmare

Juliet: *scared* Dad! stop don't hurt her please! *sobs* no don't hurt me.........please! *screams*

Brandon: *concerned* sweetie! Hey wake up...*shakes her*

Juliet: m-mommy...mommy no. p-please no leave her alone dad!

Brandon: baby, wake up you're having a nightmare!

Juliet: NN-Nooooo...*wakes up and sits up and cries in fear*

Brandon: *consoling* I'm here, I'm here...*raps his arms around her*

Juliet: T-tiger...? *gets out of bed and hugs him tight and cries*

Brandon: yes, it's me Chinchilla...

Juliet: *sighs in relief**looks at him crying*

Brandon:'s okay.... I've got you...*sways with her in his arms*

Juliet: *sobs*

Brandon: *picks her up and carries her to his room then gets in bed with her*

Juliet: *sniffles* hold me. *sobs*

Brandon: okay...okay. Shhh...shhh, shhh, shhh *rocks her gently* my goodness, what ever that dream was really ate you up... *Kisses her forehead* what was it about?

Juliet: it was my mom...she was being beaten...the sand people, and she was being forced to tell my dad where I was........*sobs*

Brandon: oh my god I'm so sorry baby...just know that she's safe...

Juliet: *sobs*

(Brandon's Flashback)

14 years ago, in Calhun

In Rose's room

Young Rose: *curious* I wonder where Jake is? *looks in her closet* boo! Found ya!

Young Jacob: aww, man!

Young Brandon: *laughs* Lina? Can you and Jake tell me a bedtime story...?

Young Rose: *looks over at Jacob* are you sure you want to hear it. it is a scary story...

Young Brandon: mhm...I'm brave...just like grandfather.

Young Rose: do you want to hear a story about grandfather?

Young Brandon : mhm...

Young Jacob: *sits on Rose's bed* ok come sit in my lap while Rosaline and I tell you the story...

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